Please don’t take those AR’s hunting . Way too dangerous


Senior Member
Neither a hog, deer or a bad guy will know if pew got him, or pew pew pew. I need to order me one of those pew pew buttons, I don’t think mine has one.


Senior Member
I read some of the guy said "i got one of them buttons, i pressed it and 15 school kids died" said " i looked and i got one too, i'll be careful not to touch it"


Bigfoot friendly
It’s amazing how I can sit here and read something one of y’all said and I will just bust out laughing! I mean tear jerking, gut busting laughter!! That pew pew lower did it this last time…….I’m sorry but that was some funny junk!


Chief Big Taw
Coast guard armored infantry?? What??


Staff member
Coast guard armored infantry?? What??

Yep. They operate underwater on the sea floor. Coast Guard pumps O2 down to them. They can stay down there for weeks at a time.


GON Political Forum Scientific Studies Poster
No one's addressed the elephant in the room....

What in the heck is 'overlapping auto'?


Staff member
I was in a tree stand last year with my AR and accidentally hit that button on a tree limb. It cleared off three acres of woods before I could get it stopped. :eek2:


Staff member
I was in a tree stand last year with my AR and accidentally hit that button on a tree limb. It cleared off three acres of woods before I could get it stopped. :eek2:



Senior Member
I always wondered what that little button was for.:cautious:

On my AR14 it must have been broken because all it would do is wiggle the big hammer thing with that shiny needle inside.(n)

I am glad we are protected by such smart soldiers as that Coast Guard infantry guy. To think, I never knew that the Coast Guard had an infantry unit:giggle:


Staff member
I always wondered what that little button was for.:cautious:

On my AR14 it must have been broken because all it would do is wiggle the big hammer thing with that shiny needle inside.(n)

I am glad we are protected by such smart soldiers as that Coast Guard infantry guy. To think, I never knew that the Coast Guard had an infantry unit:giggle:
They're double super top secret. I hope elfiii don't get Arkancided for being a whistleblower and outing their mission. I think they even have the "shoulder things that go up" on their ARs.


Staff member
Yep. They operate underwater on the sea floor. Coast Guard pumps O2 down to them. They can stay down there for weeks at a time.

This made me chuckle as it’s actually pretty accurate in some cases. Nephew is a Navy Chief on a sub. One of his duties is team leader of the boarding detail. They go to small arms and tactics training. Obviously, the Coastie slept through his school.


Senior Member
Thats the forward assist button. Its for makin forward pew instead of outback pew. ?
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Staff member
They're double super top secret. I hope elfiii don't get Arkancided for being a whistleblower and outing their mission. I think they even have the "shoulder things that go up" on their ARs.

It's all good. Congress just gave 'em another 50 billion so they are happy campers. They all get new low profile gas blocks and thermal sights so now they can operate both underwater and at night at the same time. You ever Pew Pew'ed at night underwater? It's the real deal.:wink:
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Senior Member
It's all good. Congress just gave 'em another 50 billion so they are happy campers. They all get new low profile gas blocks and thermal sights so now they can operate both underwater and at night at the same time. You ever Pew Pew'ed at night underwater? It's the real deal.:wink:

I wasn’t supposed to talk about it, but yes. Yes I have.