PSA: Tomato plants and dogs


Senior Member
My fiancé just called me to tell me he ran inside to grab the phone, and when he came out, one of the dogs had eaten/chewed part of one of our seedling tomato plants.

Then I remembered: tomato plants are toxic to dogs.

I immediately called our Veterinarian who called Animal Poison Control and confirmed my fear: tomato plants are, indeed, toxic to dogs regardless of their maturation.

I sent my fiancé out to grab a fresh bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide as our Veterinarian said to give them both 1 TB, if they don't vomit, wait 5 minutes. Give another TB, if they don't vomit, wait 5 minutes. Give them a last TB of Hydrogen Peroxide, and if they don't vomit, bring them into the nearest Veterinary clinic.

If they don't vomit after time #3, they will need to go to the Veterinarian for charcoal therapy and flushing to remove the toxin (solamine) from their systems.

Please keep our dogs in your thoughts, say a prayer, or whatever you believe in that we caught it in time.

Even with them vomiting, the Veterinarian said we need to monitor them and their heart rate today.

PSA: Keep tomato plants away from dogs. Tomato plants are also toxic to humans so after planting or picking, wash your hands thoroughly. Our dogs were smart enough to detach the metal screen from around the plants and eat one (hopefully they just shredded the leaves.)


Senior Member
It's quarter 'til six at night. We've been monitoring both dogs' heart rates on the hour. It looks like we caught it in time with the Hydrogen Peroxide as it can taken between 30 minutes and 3 hours for poisoning symptoms to appear.

Yes, tomato plants (and even green tomatoes) are harmful (and deadly) to all pets. Tomato plants are also harmful to humans although I don't believe they are deadly.

Tomatoes are part of the Nightshade family.

So please keep tomato plants (even seedlings) well out of reach of pets and children.


Senior Member
Both dogs are doing well this morning. We monitored their heart rate and respirations on the hour yesterday and kept them calm.

Tomatoes are part of the nightshade family which includes several common plants and vegetables people plant this time of year including, but not limited to eggplant, potatoes, and some peppers.

They are highly toxic. If your pet (or child!) ingests any nightshade plant, your Veterinarian or Poison Control should be contacted immediately.