Red Wings and such

Gary Mercer

Senior Member
So what does the local knowledge say about the Red Wing Blackbirds??
They have been here in Peachtree City for about a month, and I am tired of supporting their life style.
They will eat you out of house and home, and run the other birds off, ( if they can.)
Anybody our there who know when they leave?


Senior Member
Some years I get flocks of the bullying black birds trashing the feeders & birdbath a few times a year, and some years I don't get any coming around. They certainly don't try to keep a low profile when they come around!


Staff member
It'll be about a month until they show up here. I don't mind the redwings, they sing for their supper. I like them. The brown-headed cowbird invasion in early April is what usually shuts my feeders down for the year. They have no redeeming qualities. Aggravating, greedy, nasty nest parasites.