Should Mom stay home or go back to work?

FX Jenkins

Senior Member
We have our first child, adopted, a 4 month old little man and he is a blessing in our lives. Question is, my wife is a school teacher and is due to go back to work in a few weeks. Financially its feasable for her to stay home and this is ultimatly our desire once she finishes out this school year but we feel obligated to fulfill the commitment to the school system and general public, as teachers do sign contracts for each year, and at the same time we know that her being at home would be best for the family...anyone care to share their insight?...prayers please....


Senior Member
I think the school will be fine if she leaves now.

I also think you family will be fine if she goes back and finishes the year.

Do what is right for you :)

Congrats on the addition to the family


Senior Member
I gave my wife 'permission' :) to quit work when she had my son. It has meant the world to her and I can see the benefits in my children. We had to make some serious cutbacks to make it work but it was well worth it. We haven't regretted it once in the ~11 years since.

Good luck and God bless.



Roosevelt Ranger
Raise the child in the best way you can!

Answer the question for yourself:

Will the child be better off having a mother with the boy constantly taking care of his every need and teaching him?

Or in a nursery being tended along with the rest of the herd?


Senior Member
Up to you borther!

My wife and I live comfortably. We don't have a lot of extra cash but we manage. I work and she was off of work for a good while and we made it fine. Now she drives a school bus for benefits and my 4 yr old goes with her. Now she is out of school when the kids are out and home when they are home. I wouldn't have it any other way.



Chief Big Taw
There are thousands of people that want her job. There are none stepping up to raise your child. My wife works part time--at my daughter's christian school (pre-k). If she feels obligated to stay in the jop until school ends., I understand, but don't let $$$$ keep her from the kids.


Havana Dude

Senior Member
Family first

My wife has not worked outside the house for 11+ years since our son was born and subsequently our daughter. I would not have it any other way. I love it!!! Now understand this, I let my wife make her own decision in the end, letting her know my desires and the fact that I would support whatever decision she made.(She was giving up being a certified veteranary technician, and 2 years of college), which I was not about to TELL her she had to quit.I say do it, as long as it makes you both happy. You will not regret the result, I promise.


Senior Member
i'd say do what's right for you, but also attempt to keep the school from being placed in a bind. but, i'm sure you both are aware of that already.

as a teacher, i know how it is when we have people at our school leave during the middle of the year. it's tough, but things always work out.


Senior Member
Congratulations on the little man !!

Tough decisions but you'll do the right thing, I'm sure.

My wife quit working and we've never regretted it. Sure, we missed (still miss) her paycheck but the rewards of US raising OUR children far outweigh the money. Now that both boys are in school, my wife is considering getting her teaching certificate and re-joining the workforce. That's still up in the air right now though.

At any rate, pray about it and do what you think is best.


Senior Member
Though I admire you and your wife's concern for her civic obligation, let me say this. I am a tax payer, who pays her and other teacher's salaries. I gladly relieve her of her obligation to me, the taxpayer, to stay at home and raise your son in lieu of staying on the job! :clap:
Seriously, We faced the same decision two years ago. My wife stayed home. When he reached about 20 months she went back to work for a few months and is now back at home. Socialization I think is an important benefit of day care if you have an only child. Right now, the only socialization your infant needs is with his loving mom & dad. Since you can swing it financially, I'd let her wait and go back to work when he needs to start to learn to 'share' etc...
My semi-solicited $0.02. ;)
Hunt/fish safely,

FX Jenkins

Senior Member
Thanks and shes staying home

To all who took the time to share your experiences, support, and advice with me...Thank You..Of course there is always extinuating circumstances that make these decisions unique and difficult, your personal testimonies cemented the decision that we were both leaning towards...her staying home with the little man. (although she is actually a special ed teacher and replacing her will be difficult, the administration was very understanding) And thank you to all you teachers out there that go beyond the calling everyday. Maybe my wife and I can parent this child so you won't have to.....


Senior Member
Good for you guys! :clap:
I know it's a cliche` but take it from someone with a two year old, they really really really do grow up WAY too fast. Seems like I got to hold my little man twice while he was really a little baby and next thing I knew he was running all over the place. :confused: Cherish every single second. Man it's over in a flash and you just wonder how in the world it happened.
Congrats and enjoy! :D
Hunt/fish safely,


Senior Member
We may be odd but my wife stopped working when we got married. I saw too many friends be forced into a two income lifestyle and then kids come along and they no longer want to give up the money.
So, we decided we would get used to living on one income before we "had" to live on one income. I loved having her home and she enjoyed it. Heck, I loved the pancakes, full lunch, and homecooked dinner every day too! :yeah: We had our first within our first year of marriage so it worked out well. She has a much harder job now than she would if she were working out of the house, but she/we are committed to raising our now 2 little children to the best of our ability.

As long as you are doing what you feel is right in your heart it is the right thing to do. Personally, we love having her home and we have no worries about how well our children are being taken care of.


Senior Member
Well said. We have a two year old boy and a 5 month old little girl. It goes by way too fast. Enjoy every minute of it and know in your heart that you are making the right decision for your family. Best of luck.