Spring is near Driveler #223

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Senior Member
Morning moon,gobblin,çhief,mc,bog,Fuzzy & EE.
Ingenious I deer to grow asparagus wrapped in bacon. Why didn't we think of it 1st Chief ?

Jeff C.

Chief Grass Master
Morning moon,gobblin,çhief,mc,bog,Fuzzy & EE.
Ingenious I deer to grow asparagus wrapped in bacon. Why didn't we think of it 1st Chief ?

Mornin Cramer.

To the best of my knowledge, it takes 3 years to harvest.


Gone but not forgotten
I think Swansons has the patent on that. Morning Cramer, Jeff and EE when he gets his electronics to cooperate. Sounds like he is fixing to have some nice targets!

Hooked On Quack

Morning !!! Brought Dawn breakfast home. Gotta go back to town shortly to run a buncha errands.:rolleyes:

Any of ya'll cooked frog legs ??? Do I need to boil 'em then fry 'em ??

Jeff C.

Chief Grass Master
Morning !!! Brought Dawn breakfast home. Gotta go back to town shortly to run a buncha errands.:rolleyes:

Any of ya'll cooked frog legs ??? Do I need to boil 'em then fry 'em ??

No sir, fry'em like chikin, just not as long obviously.

Happy Anniversary to you and Miz Dawn, Millbro!!



Keeper of the Magic Word
Morning !!! Brought Dawn breakfast home. Gotta go back to town shortly to run a buncha errands.:rolleyes:

Any of ya'll cooked frog legs ??? Do I need to boil 'em then fry 'em ??

quack is getting froggy on his anniversary. :pop:

Jeff C.

Chief Grass Master
Had to go replace pine straw that I had gotten up and just put it in a pile. I was reshaping some beds and was cutting up sod in one area and laying it in another. Now a I had a pretty good sized area that was all fresh dirt, had to recover it with the straw that I had previously had on it. Just did beat the rain, quick hard shower.

Jeff C.

Chief Grass Master
Dang, it was just as still as could be earlier. Wind has come out of nowhere like someone flipped a switch.

Jeff C.

Chief Grass Master
Quack gon be a cookin' fool today.

mrs. hornet22

Beach Dreamer
Morning !!! Brought Dawn breakfast home. Gotta go back to town shortly to run a buncha errands.:rolleyes:

Any of ya'll cooked frog legs ??? Do I need to boil 'em then fry 'em ??

Boil em Quack. They'll be so pretty you won't wanta eat em. ::gone:
Happy Anniversary!!!:love:

Jeff C.

Chief Grass Master
Quackbro, I've even BBQ'd frog legs. Still like'em fried better though.
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