Uncommon Life-Daily Challenge


Senior Member
Do any of you have this book? By Tony Dungy and Nathan Whitaker it's a one year daily devotion book. It was given to me from a former coach of mine and since then I have sent copies to my friends and bought copies for some of my current athletes that I coach. I enjoy it and it really gets my day started off on a positive note. I will post each day what the daily message is for those who want to see, comment, or join in with me. I have zero rights to this as it is all from the Uncommon Life by Tony Dungy and Nathan Whitaker.

Sep 12:
"In the midst of darkness, He will always be a light guiding and illuminating our way in order for us to discover who we were created to be in this world and the next. And we, in turn, must reflect that light for others around us." Uncommon Life

John 8:12- I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won't have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.


Senior Member
Sep 13:
"What we take in often comes back in ways we can't anticipate. The key is to make sure that what we absorb is helpful to us and glorifying God. It must demonstrate that we know our bodies and minds are God's temple, the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit." Uncommon Life

What are we absorbing into our life today? Do we need to add more healthy things and eliminate things that may compromise our witness and glory to God?


Senior Member
Sep 14:
"Live each day thankful for Jesus' death and resurrection. Not only was it a historical event, but it was the way God made it possible to have a relationship with Him-now and for eternity." Uncommon Life

It's up to us to accept that relationship and grow with Him!


Senior Member
Sorry for the delay over the weekend. I leave my book at school in my classroom so I don't forget to read it during the week.

Sep 17:
"Know your values and don't depart from them. Choose "right" over "easy" whenever life offers you a shortcut." Uncommon Life

Proverbs 1:8 "Hear the instruction of your father, and do not forsake the law of your mother."

We all have a sense of right and wrong we sometimes choose to ignore that sense and do what's easy. The sense is there and we need to do whatever we can to rely on it.


Senior Member
Sep 18:
"Recognize you are a sinner and separated from God, thank Christ for what He did for you on the cross so that you can have an eternal relationship with God through Christ, and commit to follow Him as Lord in your life." Uncommon Life

We need to sometimes remind ourselves that He is the ONLY way to an everlasting life with God. We should strive to remind others as well.


Senior Member
Sep 19:
"Whether it is on the job or at home, be willing to relinquish complete control and to delegate to others. You'll help yourself and your delegates--and your friends." Uncommon Life

Are you a controller? It might be time for a change.


Senior Member
Sep 20:
"With Christ in your life, you may get knocked down, but you will never get knocked out. And when you do get knocked down, He will help you get back on your feet." Uncommon Life

"Whether we are bracing ourselves for the inevitable blow or trying to pick ourselves back up from one that has happened, Jesus is with us to help get back in the fight." Uncommon Life


Senior Member
Sep 21:
"The key to shifting our priorities is focusing on God above all else and letting His priorities become ours." Uncommon Life

It's never too late to make a change and prioritize things within your life. The key to fullfilling your life is God.
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Sep 24:
"Being vulnerable and showing weakness is when "the power of Christ" can work through you. In the moments when you can't, He can!" Uncommon Life

"God turns the idea of weakness on its head. He applauds weakness rather than criticizing it. That's because to God, it denotes a change of heart."


Senior Member
Sep 25:
" God wants you to be a blessing with the gifts He has given you-whether time, talents, or treasure. It's not the size of the gift, but your willingness to do it that counts." Uncommon Life

There are countless ways for us to give of what he has given us. A godly way of paying it forward.


Senior Member
Sep 26:
"This relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ, is not something you stand still for. It's a workout! Enjoy the race and listen for the cheers." Uncommon Life

We may be shunned, laughed at, and made fun of because of our belief in Christ. But we will continue to run the race and get a little stronger through him.


Senior Member
Sep 27:
"Every time you are out doing yard work, especially pruning foliage, think of what parts of your life need trimming to produce more fruit. Ask the Master Gardener to keep you healthy and growing." Uncommon Life

There are many times in our lives that we will be "pruned" by God. He may take an opportunity away from us. He may whither certain relationships or activities from us. These situations are for our own good. We have to make sure we don't become one of those branches that don't produce.


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Sep 28:
"Only God is qualified to define your identity. Learn from others' opinions, but refuse to let your identity be shaped by them. Learn to see yourself as God sees you." Uncommon Life

People all around us (qualified and unqualified) criticize us in many things we do. We need to learn to take the positive and learn from certain criticism. We should never let someone else define our identity. Our relationship with God defines our identity.


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Oct 1:
"Be sure the walls of your heart are kept clean and are reinforced by what God is teaching you in His Word. Commit to a regular time of reading God's word, praying, and getting to know His will for you and your life." Uncommon Life

Staying close to God's Word can help us avoid negative and deadly issues in our lives.


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Oct 2:
"You are probably your child's first glimpse of the qualities of God. Make that glimpse a good one." Uncommon Life

"We need to remember who we are reflects to our children and others an image as a parent and potentially the image they have of their heavenly father."


Senior Member
Oct 3:
"Find ways to build into others' lives. Mentoring leaves a lasting legacy. It increases the impact of your life, and it helps others increase the impact of theirs." Uncommon Life

Find a way to provide unusual opportunities for people who haven't had many. Invest in the lives of others and be a positive impact upon them. There are countless ways to invest into people's lives and make a lasting impact on them. That's what it means to leave a legacy.


Senior Member
Oct 4:
"What do you have a doubt about today? Give it to the one standing next to you-Jesus Christ." Uncommon Life

Doubt hits us regularly. The devil uses this to knock us off track and take our positive flow of energy away for the time being. Then Jesus comes to us and calls us to faith, to a belief that in the end, even when it doesn't seem like it, we will prevail, we will win with Him.


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Oct 5:
"If you belong to a church, write down a few reasons why you are committed to that group of people. If you have never found a church home, look for one that is unified in the essentials of faith in Jesus Christ." Uncommon Life

The church is Christ's bride. The church is God's plan. We need to be unified on the essentials of our faith and not get caught up in worrying about non-essentials and our differences. Unity, clarity, and commitment should be the core elements of our faith in Jesus Christ.


Senior Member
Oct 8:
"So many small things make up your character-your words, your thoughts, your actions-which help form how you instinctively respond to every situation. Don't let the small things slip. Start each day by looking for ways to show character." Uncommon Life

No one just happens to have character. It's built into us over time. Character is developed by facing decisions and choosing what's right until it becomes second nature.


Senior Member
Oct 9:
"What do you consider of eternal significance in your life? Consider writing a letter now to your loved ones, telling them what you value most."

Society places heavy weight on many intangibles such as cars/houses/clothes..etc. We need to focus on the things of eternal significance. What do you value more-things of eternal significance or things that are temporal? Focus on the eternal things, for that is the beginning of Godly wisdom.