Uncommon Life-Daily Challenge


Senior Member
Nov 8:
"God has given you incredible gifts and abilities, some more obvious than others. Are you using them? Write down what you think your unique gifts are and then ask your family and friends to write down what they think your gifts are. Compare the lists and prayerfully use those gifts and watch them multiply."

God is measuring how we use the gifts He's given us. He measures how much we want to glorify Him and touch others-whether we fall short or not.


Senior Member
Nov 9:
"Relationships matter more than anything else, but you never know how long you will have with the people around you. Don't take them for granted. Make a phone call, send a card or schedule a lunch date on your calendar today."

Shifting priorities may require some changes in your schedule, but it will always be worth it if it leads you to spend more time with the people you love, enjoy them and their gifts more deeply, and make more lasting memories with them.


Senior Member
Nov 12:
"Incorporate the word of Christ within you and others each day; it will empower and encourage you whatever may come" Uncommon Life

At work you could organize a Bible study. It doesn't have to be something formal. Maybe it's getting in the habit of offering an encouraging and kind word to others. Or simply not being a participant in the group gossip session at the watercooler. Wherever you find yourself, consider ways you can let the word of Christ dwell within you and others.


Senior Member
Nov 13:
"Spend quality time with those you love. It will make a difference in your life and your relationships. And who knows, you may end up being blessed as well."

Moments spent together can be cherished for a long time. Maybe what is said will have far-reaching impact. After all, the impact of the disciples is still being felt throughout the world.


Senior Member
Nov 14:
"Approach conflict as an opportunity to learn something. It's often a catalyst for positive change and the best way to grow in understanding." Uncommon Challenge

If you find yourself in a conflict with someone else, approach it as a positive opportunity, even if the other person doesn't see it that way yet. Agree to talk about it, and emphasize that you want to focus not on each other but the issue. If it's handled with respect for others' opinions and perspectives, it can have very positive results.


Senior Member
Nov 15:
"If you are single, don't rush into a relationship that isn't part of God's plan. Your time may be coming...or maybe God trusts you with singleness! Whatever your situation, prayerfully give it to Him" Uncommon Life

There's nothing wrong with being married. But take your time. Don't rush into things if you're not married, because there's nothing wrong with being single. Instead of spending so much time on forays designed to find a spouse, spend it with the Lord. You'll find it easier to stay focused on the Lord and what He has planned for your life-which may include marriage.


Senior Member
Nov 16:
"Review the fruits of the Spirit regularly and continually "ripen" and multiply each of them in your life. They will help define who you are according to God's definition." Uncommon life

Make one of your ongoing goals to cultivate the fruits of the Spirit in your life. Grow in the attitudes and characteristics that come from God. Refuse to be defined by your career or accomplishments. Define yourself the same way He does: by how He made you and what He wants to do in your life.


Senior Member
Sorry I wasn't able to get the book over the Thanksgiving break.

Nov 26:
"Integrity is an inward characteristic with outward consequences that make a lasting difference. Approach everything you do each day with integrity."

Integrity touches every area of life, not just now but in the long run. And it can sometimes seem like a rare commodity. But the choices of a person with integrity become a blessing not only to that person but to everyone he or she relates to.


Senior Member
Nov 27:
"Take a moment and "break bread" with Jesus right now, thanking Him for providing spiritual nourishment to you." Uncommon Life

You will find true value in life through relationship with the one who said and continues to say, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty." Jesus Christ is your spiritual sustenance-the essential element needed for your spiritual well-being for the rest of your life.


Senior Member
Nov 29:
"Approaching each day with joy can be tough at times. God wants us to stay focused on Him, not on the things of this world that can drag us down. He is the source of joy. Embrace His presence and spread His joy." Uncommon Life

Sadly, people who don't know their destiny often live with fear and uncertainty. Maybe the joy they see in you-even when times get tough-will compel them to seek God. His joy is in abundant supply.


Senior Member
Nov 30:
"Ask God where He would like you to be busy today. When you enter into and develop a relationship with Jesus Christ, allow Him to determine the areas where He wants you to be involved the most." Uncommon Challenge

When your heart is in the right place-taking root in Him-you will have no doubt about what's most important.


Senior Member
Dec 3:
"The gift of eternal life is available to each of us as a free gift. Have you accepted it by asking Christ into your life? Don't be late." Uncommon Challenge

None of us are promised tomorrow. Don't put off asking Christ into your life until then.


Senior Member
Dec 4:
"Everyone has been there-not knowing which way to turn or whom to turn to. Right now, take a moment to thank God the He is there in your certain times as well as the uncertain ones-loving you, holding you, and carrying you." Uncommon Challenge

Thankfully, nothing can separate us from the love of God! Believe it-we are members of His family forever. Help others to believe it too.


Senior Member
Dec 4:
"Everyone has been there-not knowing which way to turn or whom to turn to. Right now, take a moment to thank God the He is there in your certain times as well as the uncertain ones-loving you, holding you, and carrying you." Uncommon Challenge

Thankfully, nothing can separate us from the love of God! Believe it-we are members of His family forever. Help others to believe it too.


Senior Member
Dec 6:
"Drinking is a big part of this culture. If you drink, do it in moderation. Get help if you cannot keep it under control." Uncommon Challenge

What about you? Where do you stand on alcohol? I don't have a problem with alcohol and its use, but I do have grave concerns about its negative impact in our lives and in the world.-Tony Dungy


Senior Member
Dec 7:
"When you stand before God face-to-face, He will ask you when you helped the least of those among us. Make sure you can answer-always!" Uncommon Challenge

Always pick someone up. Go out of your comfort zone to reach out to others and show them the light. Show them what Christ has done in our lives.


Senior Member
Dec 10:
"The decisions you make in your life are based on your priorities. Write down your top five priorities. Where does money rank on that list? If it is high in your list, make a concerted effort to lower its importance in your life." Uncommon Challenge

Does money have an unhealthy hold on you? Remember, it's not money itself that is the problem. It's the love of money that will spin everything out of control.

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