King Casanova
I am curious as to what other trailcam users have experienced more recently.

I pulled my cards yesterday afternoon and uploaded a TOTAL OF 8,540 PHOTOS this morning from just 26 of my cameras and the number of deer have exploded during this past week it seems. The good news is there are now bucks of all sizes and they are roaming 24/7 too. I saw several bucks that I had not seen before. All of the does except one looks really healthy as well. Also for whatever reason, during this past week, I must have close to 100 photos of various deer "clowning around" with their super "up-close" mugs shots of their ears, face, and eyes and of course antlers.

For several years now, the deer on my property are totally fearless of my cameras as they seem to like to get as close as possible, sometime even nudge the camera with their nose or even antlers as well. They also frequently seem to "talk" to my cameras as well. You would be amazed from the communication from one deer to another as I have seen it numerous times over these years.

I hope to post some photos within the next few days of this latest photos.

The very BEST NEWS is that I had a couple of photos of a beautiful HUGE bobcat and I ONLY had two photos of Coyotes this past week.
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Senior Member
Mine is opposite, my videos and bucks in camera are the lowest for the year, but they seem to do this every year in October


Senior Member
I know the whiteoaks are loaded this year on Warren County Property. Should fatten them up just starting to fall.


Cooler Temps and full moon got deer moving. Also seems to be a good year for deer numbers.


King Casanova
Just 26 cameras huh?

Normally, I check close to 40 cameras at a time. The fact is that I have purchased a total of 95 WGI cameras over the past 10 years and most of them have performed really great. I have also given new cameras, used cameras, "dummy cameras", memory cards, and also multi-testers for checking batteries to various relatives and close friends (including several members of this website) for their use as well. I just hope to help others be able to enjoy something a little different in their lives such as being able to experience some beautiful creatures in this world. If it helps just a few people, then it has been worth me trying to assist others to be involved with trail cameras.

It takes a lot of time and effort, and learning every detail about my cameras and knowing how to program them to reach peak performance in every set-up location. The most time consuming effort is the fact that I have personally reviewed EVERY ONE of the 1,382,568 photos (as of today) that has been taken on my trail cameras over this past 10 years. I also have a large library of sorts of photos taken during this period of time that has been stored on extra external hard drives in use for additional storage.

I also keep records of every set of batteries that have been put into my cameras as well as they were checked while brand new and also rechecked after they were changed out after their service time. All of this information is noted in my records, so I know what has worked and what has NOT worked as well.

I have also spent a fortune on all of these things and that has included a truck-load of Duracell batteries (both size AA and also size "C") for some of the older style cameras of which I still use several of them and thankfully, I still have some still new in the box for spares. I also ONLY use Duracell Brand batteries because they perform much better and because they were a customer of mine for about 20 years or so in the past.

This became a very expensive hobby of mine back 10 years ago when I decided to start back hunting again after my wife died. It is true that I really do love to watch all of the critters in the woods a lot more than shooting them. However, this year, I really do need to replenish my freezer and my Daughter and Son-in-law's as well.

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