Who knew.... I didn't.


Senior Member
I'm not a video expert so I hope this works. This video is from middle Georgia and is in close proximity to where deer dog hunting is done regularly. The deer go to the water to escape the dogs often so seeing them out in the water isn't that unusual. With all of that being said I've never seen one eating this particular plant out in the swamp.

Danny Leigh

GONetwork Member
Cool. They're like goats. I think they'll eat about anything. During the summer we see deer eating moss on the rocks in the river. Look like moose out there standing in a couple feet of water and putting their head below the water. My son shot a buck a couple of years ago that had green pine needles in it's mouth.


Resident Homesteader
Deer are opportunist and survivalist. I don’t think it’s possible that we’ll ever fully understand them. They’re all similar yet different in their individual ways.

I used to have a long head doe that would raise twin fawns under an oak tree in my pasture for several years in a row. Half of her left ear was missing for some reason. We started planting ahead of time there and sat up a feeder. Trail cam videos would show her walking through the food plot right on past the feeder to jump the fence. We never got any footage or pics of her eating where her fawns were.