Why the Auburn Tigers Still Deserve the Death Penalty


Redneck Emperor
I find it quite entertaining actually. Doesn't bother me....

Good enough. But I don't think entertainment is the reason you have to respond every time no matter what you say.


Senior Member
just fueling the fire that is burning so deep within some on here.


Redneck Emperor
He's exercising his free speech rights before Obama takes them all away..::ke:

Yeah that's probably smart. In that case lets all stop holding back and say everything on our minds before Obammy pulls the plug.:rofl:


NCAA rules are that only those on probation are eligible for the death penalty.

AU is not eligible.

HBO came out and stated no one was paid for their interviews, and they also stated they tried numerous times to get a statement from Barner Athletic Dept, but got no response. That alone kind of blows Chiz's statement of why didn't they put players that said they did not get paid on the program up:bounce:

My theory is these kids were paid during the recruiting process and when the playing time situation did not go in their favor, they demanded more money or they would talk. Basically they had the Barn over a barrel.

This will get interesting, because there is too much talk right now about it and the NCAA cannot ignore it any longer.