Faith for atheists?


Of the hard cast variety
And if you ask for some facts to back up that assertion, well.......

I just don't get how someone takes -
A lack of belief in gods.
And turns it into -

And, the fact that "the something from nothing" discussion has taken place in here numerous times in which the person making the assertion can not only look up but may have taken part in at least one of threads, it is still asserted as if it is fact.


Resident Homesteader
Why cant an Atheist believe there might be something out there that is bigger than himself and also not believe in gods?

I don't see why you could not. Having a belief in something bigger than yourself does not require that something to be a god, in my opinion.

But, the lack of supporting evidence that a god exist is usually the reason given that an atheist does not believe a god exist.

Seems that it would fundamentally question the position that you took on the disbelief in a god, unless the evidence supports that something..


Of the hard cast variety
I don't see why you could not. Having a belief in something bigger than yourself does not require that something to be a god, in my opinion.

But, the lack of supporting evidence that a god exist is usually the reason given that an atheist does not believe a god exist.

Seems that it would fundamentally question the position that you took on the disbelief in a god, unless the evidence supports that something..

Think along the lines of energy or the universe as a whole.

NE GA Pappy

Mr. Pappy
Note the definition of religion.
Note what you describe Atheists believe.
Note the difference.
Square peg. Round hole.

here ya go square peg. We have already beat this dead horse once. Might as well do it again..

the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
"ideas about the relationship between science and religion"
synonyms: faith, belief, worship, creed; More
a particular system of faith and worship.
plural noun: religions
"the world's great religions"
a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.
"consumerism is the new religion"

NE GA Pappy

Mr. Pappy
And if you ask for some facts to back up that assertion, well.......

I just don't get how someone takes -
A lack of belief in gods.
And turns it into -

Then how do you believe the Universe got here?

I thought the prevailing anti-God thought process was the Big Bang, which basically says , first there was nothing that all got together in one tiny little space, exploded, and created everything.


So at the end there where he is doubting Atheism because "there might be something out there bigger than myself", leads me to a question -
Atheism is a lack of belief in gods.
Man has defined what "gods" are.
Why cant an Atheist believe there might be something out there that is bigger than himself and also not believe in gods?
Seems to me he is limiting that "something" to what we would call a "god" or it wouldn't make him doubt his Atheism.
That something could be something we haven't or cant even imagine at this point never mind would fall into what we would call a god.

That's kind of a conundrum. Right? I mean at least practically speaking, no?
Whose gunna tell the truth about it?
I share an affinity for your struggles. You appear honest in them.
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Of the hard cast variety
Then how do you believe the Universe got here?

I thought the prevailing anti-God thought process was the Big Bang, which basically says , first there was nothing that all got together in one tiny little space, exploded, and created everything.
Is that REALLY the definition of the Big Bang?


Of the hard cast variety
Then how do you believe the Universe got here?

I thought the prevailing anti-God thought process was the Big Bang, which basically says , first there was nothing that all got together in one tiny little space, exploded, and created everything.
That thought process exists in the minds of believers in gods. You need to tell yourself that non believers think that way in order to doctor the jigsaw pieces so they fit your way.
The accepted Big Bang Theory does not state that something cane from nothing. Non believers, especially the ones in here, do not think that anything came from "nothing". We have said that over and over and you still assert that I,we,they do.
It is a problem on your end.

NE GA Pappy

Mr. Pappy
That thought process exists in the minds of believers in gods. You need to tell yourself that non believers think that way in order to doctor the jigsaw pieces so they fit your way.
The accepted Big Bang Theory does not state that something cane from nothing. Non believers, especially the ones in here, do not think that anything came from "nothing". We have said that over and over and you still assert that I,we,they do.
It is a problem on your end.

Good response. It tells everyone exactly how you believe the universe got here.

Just saying it is my problem doesn't do anything. You really don't have a clue how any of this got here, and you are afraid to examine the facts.

Go ahead. Admit it. It will only sting for a little while.


Senior Member
here ya go square peg. We have already beat this dead horse once. Might as well do it again..

the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
"ideas about the relationship between science and religion"
synonyms: faith, belief, worship, creed; More
a particular system of faith and worship.
plural noun: religions
"the world's great religions"
a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.
"consumerism is the new religion"
Look up system.
Look up faith
Look up worship.
Tell us how those apply to a lack of belief in gods. Not what you think happens AFTER a lack of belief in gods. That's not Atheism. Atheism is simply a lack in belief in gods.
Go for it.

NE GA Pappy

Mr. Pappy
Look up system.
Look up faith
Look up worship.
Tell us how those apply to a lack of belief in gods. Not what you think happens AFTER a lack of belief in gods. That's not Atheism. Atheism is simply a lack in belief in gods.
Go for it.

everybody worships something Walt. Maybe for you it isn't a God, who you can't see. Maybe for you it is time with your family. Or $$$$. Or time on that yak. There are a multitude of things that people turn into gods.

Most atheist I know worship at the alter of humanism. They believe that humans are the highest evolved animal form, and should therefore have rights other life forms don't get. I am not saying that is a wrong assumption. I don't believe other animals should be treated as humans. All I am saying is that we all hold something up as a valuable item, and put it on a pedestal.

What it that item for you?


Senior Member
Then how do you believe the Universe got here?

I thought the prevailing anti-God thought process was the Big Bang, which basically says , first there was nothing that all got together in one tiny little space, exploded, and created everything.
So you believe Atheists think that "nothing all got together".
I'm guessing your average grade school kid would giggle and say "nothing cant all get together".
Any chance you've got the "basics" of the BBT wrong?


Senior Member
everybody worships something Walt. Maybe for you it isn't a God, who you can't see. Maybe for you it is time with your family. Or $$$$. Or time on that yak. There are a multitude of things that people turn into gods.

Most atheist I know worship at the alter of humanism. They believe that humans are the highest evolved animal form, and should therefore have rights other life forms don't get. I am not saying that is a wrong assumption. I don't believe other animals should be treated as humans. All I am saying is that we all hold something up as a valuable item, and put it on a pedestal.

What it that item for you?
Atheism is a lack of belief in gods.
Worshipping money or a yak or family or drugs or fishing or....... has absolutely zero to do with Atheism.


Senior Member
What if the reward was "You get to hang out with Jesus for 15 minutes after you die and then you become nothing"? Is that enough cheese?

not really - I hate those celebrity "meet & greet" affairs. I always clam up because I'm nervous, then when I get home I think of something cool I should have asked.


Senior Member
it doesn't take faith to believe that the universe came from "nothing" because the universe exists, we exist, etc. because every living (or non living) part of it can experience it. People of every religion & culture (or lack of religion & culture) can hold a brick in their hand and accept that brick for what it is without question. Thus the creation of the universe can be assumed to be natural not supernatural. "Something out of nothing" AKA "we don't yet know the answer" isn't subject to any religion's creation story. There are hundreds of creation stories and the bible version is just one of them. Each religion says their version is the right version, but our current universe could only be created once - everyone can't be right. There has to be one true story, not hundreds. That said my position is nobody alive today knows the exact mechanism for creating the universe but considering it's still being created to a degree (it's spreading outward, new planets are being created as we speak, new things about what space contains are being discovered, and older elements and energies are the simpler elements then complexity kicks in as time goes on) it makes sense that the universe came from something very dense & powerful at some point in time. Either every religion's creation story gets it wrong or every religion's creation story gets it right.
I will choose door # 3 being nobody can say for sure yet, but why not keep trying to find out?


Senior Member
it doesn't take faith to believe that the universe came from "nothing" because the universe exists, we exist, etc. because every living (or non living) part of it can experience it. People of every religion & culture (or lack of religion & culture) can hold a brick in their hand and accept that brick for what it is without question. Thus the creation of the universe can be assumed to be natural not supernatural. "Something out of nothing" AKA "we don't yet know the answer" isn't subject to any religion's creation story. There are hundreds of creation stories and the bible version is just one of them. Each religion says their version is the right version, but our current universe could only be created once - everyone can't be right. There has to be one true story, not hundreds. That said my position is nobody alive today knows the exact mechanism for creating the universe but considering it's still being created to a degree (it's spreading outward, new planets are being created as we speak, new things about what space contains are being discovered, and older elements and energies are the simpler elements then complexity kicks in as time goes on) it makes sense that the universe came from something very dense & powerful at some point in time. Either every religion's creation story gets it wrong or every religion's creation story gets it right.
I will choose door # 3 being nobody can say for sure yet, but why not keep trying to find out?
new planets are being created as we speak,
That's a pretty interesting factoid isn't it :)


Resident Homesteader
Think along the lines of energy or the universe as a whole.

Ok, I see where you are coming from.............for the source of the noise that I hear in the woods...............I can believe that something is out there without knowing exactly what it is and it will not question my lack of belief in Bigfoot.

As Walt mentions below, as a Christian, I am limiting that something else that is bigger than us to be God.

Why cant an Atheist believe there might be something out there that is bigger than himself and also not believe in gods?
he is limiting that "something" to what we would call a "god"


Senior Member
Ok, I see where you are coming from.............for the source of the noise that I hear in the woods...............I can believe that something is out there without knowing exactly what it is and it will not question my lack of belief in Bigfoot.

As Walt mentions below, as a Christian, I am limiting that something else that is bigger than us to be God.

Not just god but a particular god.

NE GA Pappy

Mr. Pappy
"The Big Bang is a scientific theory about how the universe started, and then made the stars and galaxies we see today. The universe began as a very hot, small, and dense superforce (the mix of the four fundamental forces), with no stars, atoms, form, or structure (called a "singularity"). "

How can anything exist if it doesn't have, or is not made up of atoms?
Just what is this dense 'superforce', and how can you have four fundamental forces if you don't have mass? If you had mass, how can that exist without atoms?