Official 2021 Dawg end of the year projection


Staff member
Man them Dawgs living rent free in your head...........
I predict another season where Throwback only trolls cause Auburn sucks, again..


Chief Big Taw
I predict another season where Throwback only trolls cause Auburn sucks, again..
I started this thread so everyone could predict what the dawgs year was gonna be like. What’s your prediction ?
I started this thread so everyone could predict what the dawgs year was gonna be like. What’s your prediction ?
Dawgs own the Barn and Vols again.. Everything else is just icing on the cake!


Staff member
And Auburn !

Like a rented mule and he knows it's so.:bounce:

Y'all know why God invented Deer hunting? So Auburn fans would have something to look forward to during football season.:bounce:


Staff member
T is master at shadow casting and has you mutts on the rise.
I distain Auburn slightly more than the Dawgs.
Auburn and UGA are both 1 in 3 in the last 10 times they played Bama.
You have to go back about another decade to find a win by UGA since Auburn beat Bama. So there is that.