Wilkes County Reports


Senior Member
Checked my place in Danburg on Saturday. There was no rain in the gauge and the food plots are stressed from the lack of moisture. I'm now into the 4th week of no precipitation and there is no rain in the forecast for the next two weeks. Acorns are falling and I have some good deer on camera. Looking forward to the 15th when we can put the 'smoke pole' to good use.


Senior Member
Haven't been up since opening weekend but plan on going this weekend for one last archery hunt. We hammered the hogs pretty good during the opener, really allowed the deer to move back in. We lost 4 feeder motors to bears between June and opening weekend. All of our feeders are now at least 20ft off the ground. That seems to have stopped the damage. We still have a sow and cub running around lately, cub doesn't seem to be putting on that much weight. Hoping for some cooler weather.


Senior Member
Haven't been up since opening weekend but plan on going this weekend for one last archery hunt. We hammered the hogs pretty good during the opener, really allowed the deer to move back in. We lost 4 feeder motors to bears between June and opening weekend. All of our feeders are now at least 20ft off the ground. That seems to have stopped the damage. We still have a sow and cub running around lately, cub doesn't seem to be putting on that much weight. Hoping for some cooler weather.

Interesting. Where you located in Wilkes Co?


Well I made what I thought was a good bow shot on a buck at 60 ft. It landed an inch or two higher than I would have liked but it should have been a solid lung shot on the left side. He ran off with my arrow still in him and I tracked him for about 300 feet before the blood stopped. I never found the arrow and never found any places where it looked like he laid down either. I heard a few rifle shots around me not too long after, so hopefully someone finished him off. I hate to think he went to waste or is wandering around with an arrow in him. If anyone sees a good buck around Metasville Road with an orange illumi-nock on his left side, let me know. Hope you all had better luck then me so far.


Senior Member
Well I made what I thought was a good bow shot on a buck at 60 ft. It landed an inch or two higher than I would have liked but it should have been a solid lung shot on the left side. He ran off with my arrow still in him and I tracked him for about 300 feet before the blood stopped. I never found the arrow and never found any places where it looked like he laid down either. I heard a few rifle shots around me not too long after, so hopefully someone finished him off. I hate to think he went to waste or is wandering around with an arrow in him. If anyone sees a good buck around Metasville Road with an orange illumi-nock on his left side, let me know. Hope you all had better luck then me so far.

Ramsey, i wouldn't dwell on this to much losing a deer does happen. If I was to take a poll on this forum, I bet 75% to 80 % of the hunters on here would admit losing a deer to a unforeseen circumstance. This would include me.

My advice to you would be shoot, shoot and shoot your bow again to get that confidence back and check to see if any of your pins need to be adjusted. Today, if you have time, go back out to the area you last found blood and walk the area again, to see if you might have missed something from the day before. Look in thick areas that the deer might have went into to lay down. You very well could find the arrow pulled out and a new blood trail to work with, or find the deer itself expired. Areas with water, you could find him expired there. No harm in going back to recheck the area again. I wouldn't think the deer would be to far from the last spot you found blood. Just my two cents. Good luck and keep us updated.


Senior Member
How did the week-end gun opening in Wilkes go? I wasn't able to hunt this week- end but was able to hunt the last day of muzzy week on Friday. Was fortunate enough to take a fat doe to put in the freezer. Acorns were falling on Friday but it is extremely dry. Creeks and streams are getting low. I can't make it back down to Danburg until November 2 because of work and I will stay a week for the rut. I pray that we will get some rain by then.

Heard a big 10 point was killed in the River Rd. area. North West of Tignall. Newford Creek Outdoors has a picture of the buck on their facebook page. The buck weighed well over 200 lbs. There are plenty more like him in the woods in Wilkes County.
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How did the week-end gun opening in Wilkes go? I wasn't able to hunt this week- end but was able to hunt the last day of muzzy week on Friday. Was fortunate enough to take a fat doe to put in the freezer. Acorns were falling on Friday but it is extremely dry. Creeks and streams are getting low. I can't make it back down to Danburg until November 2 because of work and I will stay a week for the rut. I pray that we will get some rain by then.

Heard a big 10 point was killed in the River Rd. area. North East of Tignall. Newford Creek Outdoors has a picture of the buck on their facebook page. The buck weighed well over 200 lbs. There are plenty more like him in the woods in Wilkes County.

There was lots of good movement this past weekend. I saw several bucks following does, and we've had some bucks fighting on camera. It looks like the bachelor groups are now broken up, and the bucks are pursuing the ladies to persuade them into estrus. Lots of daytime movement with the cooler weather, unlike years past where a hot Fall would make them basically nocturnal. Hopefully the mild weather will continue, and the mornings/evenings will continue to be full with moving deer. The two I was hunting with both took a buck, and our neighbor across the field came away with one also. All in all, it was a great weekend for hunting - just wish mine had fallen where I could find him!


Senior Member
There was lots of good movement this past weekend. I saw several bucks following does, and we've had some bucks fighting on camera. It looks like the bachelor groups are now broken up, and the bucks are pursuing the ladies to persuade them into estrus. Lots of daytime movement with the cooler weather, unlike years past where a hot Fall would make them basically nocturnal. Hopefully the mild weather will continue, and the mornings/evenings will continue to be full with moving deer. The two I was hunting with both took a buck, and our neighbor across the field came away with one also. All in all, it was a great weekend for hunting - just wish mine had fallen where I could find him!
Dilane hunt this week near Waynesboro. I hope it continues like your report.


Senior Member
There was lots of good movement this past weekend. I saw several bucks following does, and we've had some bucks fighting on camera. It looks like the bachelor groups are now broken up, and the bucks are pursuing the ladies to persuade them into estrus. Lots of daytime movement with the cooler weather, unlike years past where a hot Fall would make them basically nocturnal. Hopefully the mild weather will continue, and the mornings/evenings will continue to be full with moving deer. The two I was hunting with both took a buck, and our neighbor across the field came away with one also. All in all, it was a great weekend for hunting - just wish mine had fallen where I could find him!
Dilane hunt this week near Waynesboro. I hope it continues like your report.


Senior Member
Opening weekend was good and bad deer in camera. Last couple weeks been slow. Warm weather and tons of white oaks on my places have slowed it down tremendously. Haven't been seeing as many back.and forth to work either. Usually take days off but haven't burned any days because it has been slow.


Senior Member
Got good dear on camera but a slow day today. All the mast is gone at my place and the deer are hitting hard what’s left of the food plots, due to the drought. Hunting the next seven days looking for the big one to show up. Good luck to all!