
slow motion

Senior Member
Used to have a small jar of Panama Jack that stayed on the center console. Like most things i loke it was discontinued. IMG_20210815_075900_055.jpgIMG_20210815_075841_219.jpg

When it ran out I've tried several others and eventually the sweat or spray gets it in my eyes and it burns. Didn't put any on last trip. The Nurse is giving me a hard time about it. Just use on face, neck, and arms. Any type yall recommend?

slow motion

Senior Member
I've tried the stuff for kids too.

slow motion

Senior Member
Only one answer for me.
I hate sunscreen especially on my face.
Gloves on too.

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Nice trout. Surprisied you were able to find one as rare as they are. :p May have to go that way but I hate wearing a mask. I'd have to wear it higher. My nose and cheeks tend to burn too. Always got a hat on and 99% of the time it has a big G on it.

GO DAWGS. Woooooooooooooo.


The Great and Powerful Oz
After having 30+ skin cancers removed, I finally took my Dr.'s advice.
Eucerna 50.
It's a sun block not a sunscreen.


Staff member
I didn't use anything this weekend and now my Indian blood is on full display on my face. I just had a chunk cut out of my nose, so I know better. I've been using the neutrogena for years. Seems the be the least chemical smell.

brutally honest

Senior Member
I use Neutragena Ultra Sheer Dry Touch. It’s the “least greasy” I have found.

Also, I cover up completely: long sleeve shirt and pants, baseball cap, buff and gloves. So, I just put the sunscreen on the exposed areas of my face.


Useles Billy’s Uncle StepDaddy.
I am prone to skin cancers, as stated I've had 30+ Basil/Squeamus cell cancers removed.
Most are from exposure 20+ years ago.

Don't be too macho, wear something even if it's latex paint.
This right here. Do something, find something, cover up. Skin cancer often turns into brain cancer and it is quick. Lost two family members in the last five years where diagnosis to dead was 4 months.

I was a dummy most of my life through my early 30's and used nothing. Now as I am in my 50's, I think about it way to often.

It aint macho to want to see your social security.


The Great and Powerful Oz
This is the last one I had removed in January.
All are from unprotected exposure 30 to 40 years ago.

*****Warning Graphic*****




Staff member
Well, I've been exposing myself for almost 70 years and only had one. However, the older we get the less resilient the body is, so I need to make myself do it now.