11/14 AM


Senior Member
Got the first doe of the morning feeding in plot


Senior Member
Something grunting behind her in edge of woods. Heard a little chasing but must have been a different doe that was being chased. No other visitors in field yet
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The Oracle
There's a lot going on behind this clover patch.
Hoping somebody is hungry or still in season looking for a mate.
45* now. Was 43 when I got here.


Staff member
Is that a closed road your shooting across?


2023 TURKEY CHALLENGE 1st place Team
Was running late, got here at sunrise, spooked one going in, 32 degrees and quiet with a frostIMG_20231114_073956.jpg
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...just joking, seriously.
Sitting down an hour late.
Green County. Oconee River.

Didn't have time to make a drag. facepalm:

We hope for another chance today.

Good luck everyone.
So you shot a 'big eight or better' yesterday evening and found blood last night, called off the search, and didn't even look for him this morning?
Now ur sittin in wait for another?
I think you need to go back to the couch.


Senior Member
On only my third sit in Ga this year. Nice buck Glock! 7th deer of the morning eight point skirting away.
I really want to thank God this morning. Someone pulled out in front of me this morning and almost made it impossible to not kill them. So thank you God for every thing!