11-24 am


Senior Member
Settled in the climber on the edge of a clear cut. I came extra early and put yellow river doe pee all over the clear cut. I made enough noise to wake up the dead.

Lumpkin cty - 29 degrees and windy. I have my doubts since its windy. We shall see.

Hickory Nut

Senior Member
Leaving out in a few here in Hall Co. And don't mind the wind Pappy, this cold will have 'em moving this morning. Of course I'm optimistic every time I head to the stand.

Big Foot

Senior Member
Leaving out in a few here in Hall Co. And don't mind the wind Pappy, this cold will have 'em moving this morning. Of course I'm optimistic every time I head to the stand.



It's windy here in Henry too. I hope the cold gets them moving. Need some backstrap for thanksgiving!

pse hunter

Senior Member
Elbert county here. no wind so far hope the deer
Are moving this morning.....


Senior Member
39 in Houston, wind picking up. I am in planted pines and husband is on power line. Hope we get one.


Senior Member
Broke out the hot coffee thermos. I was extra early in the stand. The wind has layed down a bit. Very cold


Senior Member
Had one blow at me for 30 minutes as I was climbing my ladder. Moved to condo stand. Got a yearlin eatin corn now. Just heard first shot. Atkinson county. Windy

Buck&Tom Hunter

Senior Member
Sittin in a box stand overlooking a cotton field in Laurens county. Hope this stand helps knock down some of this wind. Must be legal shootin time for the duck hunters because they are gettin er done right now.
Jackson County, barley any wind yet but cold! Waiting on the big one! Saw several bucks including a descent 9 pt chasing yesterday morning in the warm weather so they should be everywhere this morning! Good luck to all!

country boy

Senior Member
Toombs county listening to the war the duck hunters have going on.


Senior Member
Washington county checking in. Late getting to stand. Box stand on food plot on power line. 35 and no wind . Feels right. No shots yet. I just want to see something! Good luck everyone .