A light upon a hill


Man! I can be ignorant. :) I guess I should laugh at myself... and I do... but things is gona change. I make one reasoned take on my recent questions as to why people ( Christians) misunderstand good and evil. They misunderstand because some perhaps like me don't know how to communicate and yet I do in that my ego thinks that my communications are so smart as to be plainly understood--- when in fact they are convoluted at best and down right ignorant at worse. :) I'm on it, and not because of ego, but because for once I am dead to it and will strive to kill it again I'm sure.

Really I had never thought that egomania could be a object of lust, an idol even. I guess I was headed not where I will be. And where I was headed I assumed it just. Funny how that works...what I thought was right was in fact incorrect and now I know it as being wrong.

I'm still swimming... LOL God bless. :) By reason of use I now trust. LOL

LOL...all these date back to the John Ashcroft days...when I couldn't think of you and not imagine "gee, he looks just like John Ashcroft"

And as to advice, I can't help but think..."If Israel keeps saying that was such good advice...why hasn't he taken it yet?"