Ancient man

centerpin fan

Senior Member
Yeah I actually thought of you when I wrote that, wishing I knew how to embed a video clip of it.:banginghe

I am honored. :love:

Embedding is not hard. Below the video, you'll see an option to "share". Just click on "embed", copy the code, and paste into your reply.


Senior Member

Was Adam chosen from the present stock of humans to begin the Jewish lineage? Perhaps chosen to be the first in "covenant" with God?

If so this leads me to believe a whole bunch of Gentiles living in the Americas etc., were not in covenant with God.

This could also explain why the whole world was not flooded. God needed only to punish/destroy those who were under a covenant with him.


Senior Member
Was Adam chosen from the present stock of humans to begin the Jewish lineage? Perhaps chosen to be the first in "covenant" with God?

If so this leads me to believe a whole bunch of Gentiles living in the Americas etc., were not in covenant with God.

This could also explain why the whole world was not flooded. God needed only to punish/destroy those who were under a covenant with him.

Yes, I think so.


Senior Member
WE were. What else do you need to know, because the implications of that are staggering.

Did all of "we" have souls? Considering that "we" did, and that the only way to God is through Jesus, and the only way to Jesus is from God, would you agree with this from the Catholic Church?

"Those also can attain to salvation who through no fault of their own do not know the Gospel of Christ or His Church, yet sincerely seek God and moved by grace strive by their deeds to do His will as it is known to them through the dictates of conscience."

Let's say that somehow people wandered away from Adam who had a covenant with God and became Gentiles or that Adam was a Gentile and his ancestors were not under covenant. Perhaps the lineage before or not related to Abraham.

Was there ever a man born without a soul? Was Neanderthal from Adam and therefore under covenant? Perhaps knowing God by his creation and therefore since he knew God he knew Jesus. His salvation would have been based on knowing the promise of Jesus. Yet he didn't know of Jesus because his ancestors lost the knowledge given to Adam? Assuming Adam knew of the promise of Jesus. I would think he did since the Word was with God.

Unless Neanderthal wasn't from Adam and was just a closely DNA related animal like a chimp.

I'm just trying to tie all of this together or maybe separating it from each other. Perhaps maybe we're not all from Adam. Maybe Neanderthal wasn't.
Maybe Gentiles were not as well.

Especially if there were humans who were at that time separate from God and without hope. Who were strangers to the Commonwealth of Israel. Maybe Neanderthal were the first Gentiles and Adam was the first Jew.


Senior Member
We do know there was pagan worship before Abraham. We do know that God considered it a sin. Maybe even Abraham worshiped pagan gods before he was called/chosen.

This leads me to believe Abraham was chosen/elected. He did what God told him. He had faith and obeyed.

His family were pagans. They served other gods. So even one out of all of this early pagan worship was elected or chosen to begin the Jewish lineage. It had to begin somewhere.

Yet now we know that lineage didn't really mean anything. So that being said, maybe Neanderthal did have souls and knew Jesus by knowing God by his creation.
They became adopted Jews by believing in God and heirs to the commonwealth of Israel.

gordon 2

Senior Member
Neanderthal man

Scientists say that a great percent of the world has Neanderthal DNA

Yes, what I understood also and that it is very rare in people of African descent...


Gone But Not Forgotten
My Neanderthal DNA was traced to caves in Germany. Interestingly the most common characteristic is no back hair.