Another great run but also a snake bite !!!!!

Jody Hawk

Senior Member
Me and Beagle Boy got together this morning to run our dogs. We went to my Morgan County land. I carried my three and Brad had four of his. Dogs jumped a rabbit and ran it for close to an hour and a half !!!! Prettiest race I've heard in a long time. Dogs packed well together and they burnt him up !!!!!!!

After that race was over Brad hollered at me to catch DeAnn. DeAnn is his best dog, she's a pretty redtick. I caught her and she had a lump under her right cheek. After checking her out, we found two fang holes in the side of her nose !!!! She'd been snake bit !!!!!!!

We rushed to get her to the truck and carried her to the vet in Eatonton. By this time she was foaming out of her mouth but otherwise was acting fine. Once at the vet, they checked her out and decided not to give her any anti-venom. Apparently, the snake didn't inject much venom. Vet said that it was probably a copperhead bite. He gave her some shots and medication for Brad to take home with him. I think she's gonna be fine !!!! :clap:

Sorry about the bite Brad but could we have asked for a prettier rabbit race? :clap:
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Senior Member
Glad the dog is gonna be ok! And it sounds like y'all had a good time.


Senior Member
Hate to hear that Jody... I've been there and done that... Get you a bottle of Benedryl and keep with you. If your dog gets bit give them some as it will help with the swelling. I've been told that if your dog lives 30 mins after the bite its not gonna die. Glad Brads dog is gonna be ok...

Here's Lil Bits brother when he was about 1 1/2 after he found out what a snake was...


Jody Hawk

Senior Member
Here's Lil Bits brother when he was about 1 1/2 after he found out what a snake was...

Yeah Jason, I told Brad that you had one to get bit before too. Brad can update us on her but when we left this morning, the swelling was already going down. :clap:


Senior Member
Ive had them get bit as well...I told Jody on the phone that if a rattler had hit her good, she wouldn't be acting normal other then swelling up some....I figured it to be a copperhead....Glad dee ann is ok!! :fine:


Senior Member
Def. glad his dog is doing good!!!!! I know it happens, but I just don't want to think about losing a dog. I have one now, which is my best, who is getting up there in age. I'm dredding when that day comes!

Beagle Boy

Looks like DeAnn is going to be just fine! I just checked on her and she's scratching at the fence knowing it's supper time. I'm not sure if she'll eat or not. This morning it looked like she lost all feeling in her mouth; she was swollen, foaming and had no muscle control. The swelling has gone way down since this morning.

This morning scared the daylights out of me. :hair:

I've had friends tell stories of having hounds bit, but when it happens for the first time to you, WOW! Pretty scary stuff.

I wasn't sure what to do when we first saw those fang marks on her nose. Daddy Rabbit always told me to carry Benadryl, and thank goodness I actually listened.

Jody made a nice 1/2 mile sprint to the truck with five hounds in tow to quickly retrieve the truck with medicine. I called Daddy "Doctor" Rabbit, and he told me to get her calm, get her feet wet to cool her off, make sure she had something to drink and get her collar off... and to call the vet since we didn't know if she got nailed by a big rattler or not. With DeAnn, I wasn't taking any chances, so Jody was nice enough to ride me to Eatonton with DeAnn at my feet. She passed out (from an awesome race) about the time we left Madison.

She was just fine at the vet. Doc. gave her four shots, although no anti-venom. Got by for just less than $100. He could have nailed me and told me I needed anti-venom; I wouldn't have known any better. This guy was from Australia and has a Plot hound. He said he loves hound dogs. I just appreciate his honesty.

I really appreciate it, Jody. I was pretty shook up and was thankful to have the company and help.

All I can figure is it was a cooperhead and not a rattlesnake, and that it was a pretty dry bite. DeAnn doesn't looking anything like Little Bit's brother that Jason posted. Her swelling isn't a quarter of that. I got lucky I reckon.

But man-o-man, what a race before that mess happened. ::gone: Thanks for the invite.

The hounds really packed tight and roared on that rabbit. We didn't have our first real check until about 45 minutes into the race. It was good and steady.

You've got some great dogs, Jody. And I'd bet you can take those shock collars off now. I bet you won't have any problems with those hounds.


Gone But Not Forgotten
Glad DeAnn is O.K. looKing forward to rabbit season.I have often wondered about the snakes down yalls way,and trying to keep your hounds in shape during the summer months,gotta be tough.


Senior Member
Jody made a nice 100 yard sprint to the truck with five hounds in tow to quickly retrieve the truck with medicine.


No wonder Jody was so out of breath when he called me....Now you see what I have to deal with when we're chasing turkeys together...I have to stop and wait on him all the time..::ke:

Really glad your dog is ok Brad...:banana:


Senior Member

No wonder Jody was so out of breath when he called me....Now you see what I have to deal with when we're chasing turkeys together...I have to stop and wait on him all the time..::ke:

Uh-Oh, here we go again. Just wait til Hawk reads that comment!!

Glad the dawg is good to go!!

Go Dawgs and come on March,


Old and Ornery
Staff member
Glad your dog is gonna be alright and that it wasn`t a big diamondback that bit her!!


Gone But Not Forgotten
good to hear she's ok, worst worries are snakes and roads. Sounds like she'll be ready to go again in a few days. Best wishes

Beagle Boy

good to hear she's ok, worst worries are snakes and roads. Sounds like she'll be ready to go again in a few days. Best wishes

Yes-sir. Daddy Rabbit said to let her rest a good week, which I will do. After that, she'll be begging me to go.

Jody Hawk

Senior Member
No wonder Jody was so out of breath when he called me....Now you see what I have to deal with when we're chasing turkeys together...I have to stop and wait on him all the time..::ke:

Just be glad it was me instead of him Brad or else DeAnn probably wouldn't have made it !!!!!!!! Heck, ole Brandon would have collapsed before he made it to the truck !!!!!! You'd had two potential life threatening situations on your hands !!!!!!! You'd had to decide whether to treat DeAnn's snake bite or give Brandon CPR !!!!!! :hair: :rofl:
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Senior Member
Just be glad it was me instead of him Brad or else DeAnn probably wouldn't have made it !!!!!!!! Heck, ole Brandon would have collapsed before he made it to the truck !!!!!! You'd had two potential life threatening situations on your hands !!!!!!! You'd had to decide whether to treat DeAnn's snake bite or give Brandon CPR !!!!!! :hair: :rofl:

Gotta give it to you...That was a good one...:rofl::rofl::bounce::bounce:

Beagle Boy

Just be glad it was me instead of him Brad or else DeAnn probably wouldn't have made it !!!!!!!! Heck, ole Brandon would have collapsed before he made it to the truck !!!!!! You'd had two potential life threatening situations on your hands !!!!!!! You'd had to decide whether to treat DeAnn's snake bite or give Brandon CPR !!!!!! :hair: :rofl:

That's funny right there.


Senior Member
Well glad she is doing well..... I know when Ole smokie got bit I was worried he wouldn't make it but 3 days later I had him back running...

Brad Im glad you the dogs I sold Jody.... I don't sell junk those that don't cut it dont leave here as hunting dogs. They leave as pets.
As for collars I never ran one on Lil Bit unless I was along ways from home. The others 2 got a collar everytime I went out cause I never seen them turn down a deer race but they never started one either... Until I see a dog come running to me when others are leaving on a deer I don't consider them broke.


Jody Hawk

Senior Member
As for collars I never ran one on Lil Bit unless I was along ways from home. The others 2 got a collar everytime I went out cause I never seen them turn down a deer race but they never started one either... Until I see a dog come running to me when others are leaving on a deer I don't consider them broke.

I've ran these dogs at least eight times that I can think of, and in all these areas deer sign was everywhere. Not once have either one of these dogs even thought of running anything besides rabbits. I've been running shock collars on them just to be safe but haven't needed them yet !!! They may make a fool out of me next time I take em out but so far they are out there strictly to run rabbits !!!!!! :clap:

Jody Hawk

Senior Member
You've got some great dogs, Jody.

Not just me, you've got a great pack too Brad. We could take those seven dogs that we ran with yesterday and kill rabbits all day long and we're gonna do just that come rabbit season !!!!!!!! :clap: I'm gonna take you to a place where you're gonna think you're in rabbit heaven !!!!!!!!!!
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