Another great run but also a snake bite !!!!!


Retired Moderator
Brad, it's hard to believe we were talking about this on Friday. I sure am glad the bite wasn't serious!


Old and Ornery
Staff member
We don't have to worry about them diamondbacks up here, thank goodness !! It's the timber rattlers and copperheads that we have to deal with !!!!!!! :huh:

That`s good Jody. I`ll never forget what a vet told me once-a big diamondback and a small dog don`t mix, bet on the diamondback, every time!

Beagle Boy

Not just me, you've got a great pack too Brad. We could take those seven dogs that we ran with yesterday and kill rabbits all day long and we're gonna do just that come rabbit season !!!!!!!! :clap: I'm gonna take you to a place where you're gonna think you're in rabbit heaven !!!!!!!!!!

Thanks Jody. Those 7 hounds will run rabbits all day long, you got that right. I was real proud of them Saturday, especially considering it was so dry. I can't wait for you see Crimson run with the pack; she's a cross b/t Daddy Rabbit's Pretty Boy Floyd & Daddy Rabbit's Ruth. You've hunted with both her parents I know.

DeAnn is still doing fine. Her swelling is essentially gone, and if I didn't tell you, you'd never know she was bit. She's acting just fine. I bet it was a pretty dry bite, especially after looking at the photos of Lil Bits litter mate.


Senior Member
Thanks Jody. Those 7 hounds will run rabbits all day long, you got that right. I was real proud of them Saturday, especially considering it was so dry. I can't wait for you see Crimson run with the pack; she's a cross b/t Daddy Rabbit's Pretty Boy Floyd & Daddy Rabbit's Ruth. You've hunted with both her parents I know.

DeAnn is still doing fine. Her swelling is essentially gone, and if I didn't tell you, you'd never know she was bit. She's acting just fine. I bet it was a pretty dry bite, especially after looking at the photos of Lil Bits litter mate.

Thats good to hear Brad!

Little Rabbit

Senior Member
Beagle Boy Sorry to hear about DeAnn snake bite but real glad to hear she is doing good now, say my Red is a Daddy Rabbit Pretty Boy Floyd & Daddy Rabbit Ruth cross too maybe littermate red bithday is June 19 ,2005 ask Daddy Rabbit he will know will glad to hear DeAnn is OK .

God Bless & Good Hunting
Little Rabbit
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Gone But Not Forgotten
Crimson was looking a little on the miserable side this afternoon.(As was Ester)The last time I saw Ester looking like that was when Daddy Rabbit had his knees replaced.I looked after his dogs for a couple of months and he had puppies every where.I think Ester had 11 of her own,not to mention Ruth and a couple of others.Believe it or not I don't think we lost a one....Ruth stayed on the ground for several days because nobody can catch her but Daddy Rabbit and I was scared to tell him.




Just be glad it was me instead of him Brad or else DeAnn probably wouldn't have made it !!!!!!!! Heck, ole Brandon would have collapsed before he made it to the truck !!!!!! You'd had two potential life threatening situations on your hands !!!!!!! You'd had to decide whether to treat DeAnn's snake bite or give Brandon CPR !!!!!! :hair: :rofl:

glad your dog is ok......hope you wouldnt have forgot to back and get arrow3 after you went to the vet...

Beagle Boy

Beagle Boy Sorry to hear about DeAnn snake bite but real glad to hear she is doing good now, say my Red is a Daddy Rabbit Pretty Boy Floyd & Daddy Rabbit Ruth cross too maybe littermate red bithday is June 19 ,2005 ask Daddy Rabbit he will know will glad to hear DeAnn is OK .

God Bless & Good Hunting
Little Rabbit

I'm not certain just how old Crimson is to be honest. Not sure if they are littermates or not. Maybe DR can help with this. I know he's busy watching Ester spit out those puppies. Crimson is due in about 10 days.
~~~~~~~~~~~Litter Mates~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Yes sir, those hounds are full litter mates, Red was the only Male in that litter. There were three females,and Crimson was one of them. Yes, I been real busy the last few days, having to look after these Moma dogs. Old Ester Babe, is going to have 16 from the looks of her ! I have never had, one to get this big, she is huge and still eating as if there is nothing wrong? They were suppose to be here on the 19th. but she is still holding our on me?
Crimson is due August 1st.

Beagle Boy

Yes sir, those hounds are full litter mates, Red was the only Male in that litter. There were three females,and Crimson was one of them. Yes, I been real busy the last few days, having to look after these Moma dogs. Old Ester Babe, is going to have 16 from the looks of her ! I have never had, one to get this big, she is huge and still eating as if there is nothing wrong? They were suppose to be here on the 19th. but she is still holding our on me?
Crimson is due August 1st.

Keep us updated DR.

Looks like you'll have your hands full by August 1.

Little Rabbit

Senior Member
Yes sir, those hounds are full litter mates, Red was the only Male in that litter. There were three females,and Crimson was one of them. Yes, I been real busy the last few days, having to look after these Moma dogs. Old Ester Babe, is going to have 16 from the looks of her ! I have never had, one to get this big, she is huge and still eating as if there is nothing wrong? They were suppose to be here on the 19th. but she is still holding our on me?
Crimson is due August 1st.

Thank Daddy Rabbit I know you could help a little rabbit out who reds litter mates are. Keylee is doing real good she is geting big and better looking evey day:fine:


Senior Member
Sorry about your Hound.
This is why I choose to keep my dogs out of the woods when it is warm. I know a lot of beaglers who do this and think its nec. to keep them on top of their game, but I am not going to put my hounds in this situation. My dogs get exercised daily in the yard in a controlled area. I have to much invested not only $ but also emotionally to risk them being snakebit and come cooler weather they will chase mr. bunny just fine.


thank goodness that the pup turned out allright. i hunt in morgan and see snakes quite frequently. Im taking my 6mo. old brown lab in the morning to do a little plowing, hope she doesnt stray far from the food plots! Might be a country western song in their !

Jody Hawk

Senior Member
Sorry about your Hound.
This is why I choose to keep my dogs out of the woods when it is warm. I know a lot of beaglers who do this and think its nec. to keep them on top of their game, but I am not going to put my hounds in this situation. My dogs get exercised daily in the yard in a controlled area. I have to much invested not only $ but also emotionally to risk them being snakebit and come cooler weather they will chase mr. bunny just fine.

I personally will take that chance. I'm not wanting a snake bite but I'm not leaving them penned up for nine months either. I don't have a place to run here at the house without them disturbing my neighbors. I think the exercise keeps them in shape and the running keeps them tuned up.

My buddy David runs his dogs nearly every week of the year and has for four years now, ever since he got them. No telling how many encounters with snakes his dogs have had and he hasn't had a dog snake bit yet.

Snakes ain't just out in the winter time either. You can go on a warm winter day and encounter a snake. My daddy bird hunted in South Georgia years ago and I remember him coming home talking about seeing rattle snakes laying out.

I might rethink this if I ran down there with those big diamond back rattlers. Those things scare me. Up here we have an occasional copperhead or timber rattler here and there but that's about it. I'm gonna try to find a place around here to run on next year to get away from the timber rattlers.

Jody Hawk

Senior Member
Sorry about your Hound.
This is why I choose to keep my dogs out of the woods when it is warm. I know a lot of beaglers who do this and think its nec. to keep them on top of their game, but I am not going to put my hounds in this situation. My dogs get exercised daily in the yard in a controlled area. I have to much invested not only $ but also emotionally to risk them being snakebit and come cooler weather they will chase mr. bunny just fine.

I want to say one more thing on this and this is speaking for myself. Owning beagles is more to me than just going out three months out of the year and killing rabbits. I enjoy just taking the dogs out and watching them work. Just sitting on a stump and hearing the dogs run is almost as much fun as killing the rabbit itself. I wouldn't have bought these dogs if I wasn't gonna run them and enjoy them. Beagles enjoy getting out and running rabbits. :huh:


Senior Member
I want to say one more thing on this and this is speaking for myself. Owning beagles is more to me than just going out three months out of the year and killing rabbits. I enjoy just taking the dogs out and watching them work. Just sitting on a stump and hearing the dogs run is almost as much fun as killing the rabbit itself. I wouldn't have bought these dogs if I wasn't gonna run them and enjoy them. Beagles enjoy getting out and running rabbits. :huh:

Jody, Wasnt trying to say what you were doing was wrong. I was just saying I choose to wait until it was cooler to put my hounds in the woods. I have been running hounds for over 30 years and have lost a good dog to snakes. So I choose to wait for cooler weather (Oct.-Mar.) 6 months. My hounds get exercised daily. You dont have to be running a rabbit to get enjoyment from your dogs. I have 2 boys that love tending and taking care of these dogs and the Kennels. Owning Beagles requires lots of your time, not just the 3 months of the season. I apologize if I you took my statements wrong, wasnt trying to offend you. I am glad to see outdoorsman like you taking up the wonderful sport of Beagling. Welcome!:cool:

Jody Hawk

Senior Member
No problem Bud, I knew you wasn't criticizing me. Kinda like a told Beagle Boy after his dog got bit. You play football long enough and you're gonna eventually get hurt. I guess if you run often enough, you're gonna encounter an occasional snake.