Another sad case


Senior Member

Not sure Im buying the "religious beliefs" aspect of this. Child died of malnutrition and dehydration.
Parents religious beliefs didn't cause that. Sure maybe their beliefs kept them from taking the child to the hospital but Im betting it was more out of fear for being charged with neglect than religious reasons.
Its very sad that there are good, loving folks out there who want to be parents but cant and then there are scum like these folks.


Resident Homesteader
Unfortunately, religion gets abused just like guns and hamburgers. People will always justify their wrong within themselves.

Sad situation for the little girl and her siblings and yes it is a shame because there are many people that would gladly take the child and raise it.

I agree that this wasn't religious beliefs. Had it honestly been just religious beliefs, the fear would not have been there because they would have felt that they were really doing the right thing.

"They did not seek medical help for religious reasons, fear of having Child Protective Services called and a lack of trust in medical services,” according to court records"


Senior Member
Unfortunately, religion gets abused just like guns and hamburgers. People will always justify their wrong within themselves.

Sad situation for the little girl and her siblings and yes it is a shame because there are many people that would gladly take the child and raise it.

I agree that this wasn't religious beliefs. Had it honestly been just religious beliefs, the fear would not have been there because they would have felt that they were really doing the right thing.

"They did not seek medical help for religious reasons, fear of having Child Protective Services called and a lack of trust in medical services,” according to court records"
Yep. In this case I think you can throw out the first reason ^ as nothing more than a "defense strategy".


Senior Member
As a Christian, it sickens me when children die as a result of these misguided beliefs (although I agree that this sounds like they are trying to play the religious belief card as a defense). There were times throughout history when medical care was non-existent and faith was all a person had. We no longer live in those times. My belief system gives me faith. It also gives me the common sense to take my child to professional medical care when necessary. There's no excuse for that level of ignorance in this day and age.


Senior Member
I think he just REALLY believed. I think the more religious you are, the lower your ability to function in our society.

Welch has posted about Child Protective Services, a distrust of doctors and religious beliefs on Facebook. He called doctors "priesthoods of the medical cult" and spoke in one video post about refusing to get his children vaccinated.

The righteous shall live by faith. It’s God who is sovereign over disease and those sorts of things and, of course, ultimately deaths," he said


Staff member
Sounds to me like unfit parents using their "religious beliefs" as an excuse for child abuse. Most people who are truly religious have more compassion than that toward their families.


Senior Member
Good to see you Brent!
I followed along you and your son's trip on FB and saw your pics here.
Im sure that's a trip your son will remember forever!


I Gots Goats
Good to see you Brent!
I followed along you and your son's trip on FB and saw your pics here.
Im sure that's a trip your son will remember forever!

Thanks Walt! It was definitely once in a lifetime, and thanks for following along. I was very surprised at how much folks enjoyed it. He is moving into his dorm down in Americus Ga on SAturday, and I'm gonna miss having him around. I'm very thankful I was able to pull that trip off.


Resident Homesteader
I think he just REALLY believed. I think the more religious you are, the lower your ability to function in our society.
Depends on what is religious.


Political Forum Arbiter of Truth (And Lies Too)

Not sure Im buying the "religious beliefs" aspect of this. Child died of malnutrition and dehydration.
Parents religious beliefs didn't cause that. Sure maybe their beliefs kept them from taking the child to the hospital but Im betting it was more out of fear for being charged with neglect than religious reasons.
Its very sad that there are good, loving folks out there who want to be parents but cant and then there are scum like these folks.

If anyone can add a link as to what church or denomination these folks were I would appreciate it. I didn't see it in the article, and I was hoping some light could be shed on it.

There's so much that isn't answered here.

1st- severe dehydration can mimic malnurtrition and unless they are relying on blood work results, I wouldn't feel comfortable making that statement regarding "malnourished" or accepting it as true. I've seen my share of severely dehydrated babies and children and when they get this dehydrated they can look like concentration camp kids. All that can occur within a 24 hour period given fever, vomiting, diarrhea and no fluid intake and when they crash from this they're generally gone. There's no getting them back.
2nd-Children and babies can become critical very quick, much more-so than adults. Of the children I have seen like that, they were in that condition mostly due to the ignorance of their parents, not out of outright neglect. Again, the article doesn't give much detail with regards to this.
3rd- If the parents DID willfully subject their sick child to this type of death due to religious beliefs and not ignorance, they should die by starvation. I have absolutely no sympathy for someone who hurts a child. NONE. Execute them and let God judge them.


Political Forum Arbiter of Truth (And Lies Too)
Sounds to me like unfit parents using their "religious beliefs" as an excuse for child abuse. Most people who are truly religious have more compassion than that toward their families.

for child abuse

or just plain ignorant. There's a lot of that out there.


Political Forum Arbiter of Truth (And Lies Too)

Maybe we are all wrong on this. This article adds a little more clarity.

The couple claim they were previously visited by social workers after they refused to allow their children to be vaccinated.

Welch said in one video: "It didn't seem smart that you would be saving people who weren't the fittest.

"If evolution believes in survival of the fittest, why are we vaccinating everybody?

"Shouldn't we just let the weak die off and let the strong survive?"

Using both religion/and Darwinism to validate their parental choices. I suspect they are very ignorant, obviously twisted, and quiet possibly truly evil.

And who the heck posts this kind of tragedy on facebook for the public to see if it's your child. I would be nibbling on a gun barrel.

I need to quit. Been a bad day and this stuff more than anything else burns me up.


Resident Homesteader
Using both religion/and Darwinism to validate their parental choices. I suspect they are very ignorant, obviously twisted, and quiet possibly truly evil.
I think we are all on the same page.


Senior Member

Maybe we are all wrong on this. This article adds a little more clarity.

The couple claim they were previously visited by social workers after they refused to allow their children to be vaccinated.

Welch said in one video: "It didn't seem smart that you would be saving people who weren't the fittest.

"If evolution believes in survival of the fittest, why are we vaccinating everybody?

"Shouldn't we just let the weak die off and let the strong survive?"

Using both religion/and Darwinism to validate their parental choices. I suspect they are very ignorant, obviously twisted, and quiet possibly truly evil.

And who the heck posts this kind of tragedy on facebook for the public to see if it's your child. I would be nibbling on a gun barrel.

I need to quit. Been a bad day and this stuff more than anything else burns me up.[/QUOTE]
I MIGHT can understand their aversion to vaccinations.
But not for the reasons they gave.


Resident Homesteader
The little church up the street from me has on their sign out front -
God Wants Spiritual Fruit
Not Religious Nuts
lol yup! There is a good bit of difference between the Billy Graham religious and the Jim Jones religious.


Of the hard cast variety
Speaking of Sad Cases, should we start a new thread for the 301 Servants of the Lord,,errr Priests in Pennsylvania?
Too many paths to pursue there...


Senior Member
Speaking of Sad Cases, should we start a new thread for the 301 Servants of the Lord,,errr Priests in Pennsylvania?
Too many paths to pursue there...
I just cant understand how, in this case Catholics, continue to fill the churches and continue to fill the baskets with cash.
The Church has done an incredibly good job indoctrinating folks that you "need" the churches to worship God.
I cant think of any other organization that parents would continue to support under the same circumstances.
I cant help but view it as the parents almost being complicit in the crime.


Resident Homesteader
Speaking of Sad Cases, should we start a new thread for the 301 Servants of the Lord,,errr Priests in Pennsylvania?
Too many paths to pursue there...
I just cant understand how, in this case Catholics, continue to fill the churches and continue to fill the baskets with cash.
The Church has done an incredibly good job indoctrinating folks that you "need" the churches to worship God.
I cant think of any other organization that parents would continue to support under the same circumstances.
I cant help but view it as the parents almost being complicit in the crime.
I agree with both!! Can’t understand it and could in no way support it. The only positive thought, or I guess a question, does this represent the entire Catholic Church or just some bad apples? I listened to a morning talk show earlier and it seems that back in the 80’s the church recognized this issue and started “treatments” for the bad apples. Not very familiar with the Church and how it’s laid out in territories, districts, etc.

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