Another sad case


Of the hard cast variety
No I can't , Imagine how it all works ,
That is an honest and acceptable answer that I can appreciate.

but I God KNOWS how it all works , and only a master builder would !
Now it is the added Assertion and Claims that I cannot help but ask for proof from the person making such things.

I am not nearly smart enough to be agnostic , I am only smart enough to BELIEVE !!!
That is an honest statement.

Now, what if I made similar replies to you and in the middle of such things I asserted that the ONLY way that you are able to read my replies is Because the Greatest God of all THE MIGHTY OAK STUMP allows it. And as proof ,I say well since you ARE reading it...THAT is the Proof!!!

Wouldnt you think i was just a bit flaky and want to know more info to back up my claim?

Brother David

Senior Member
Absolutely , I will concluded that the Bible and all things God are and can be confusing. I once too allowed all these unanswered questions to control me. Once I gave it over to the Lord , I achieved peace in my life . I still have major battles with anger , jealousy , strife , but I don't allow those to control me . I know this sounds small , but I gave all this over to a big God and take it one day at time , heck one minute , second !


Senior Member
No I can't , Imagine how it all works , but I God KNOWS how it all works , and only a master builder would ! I am not nearly smart enough to be agnostic , I am only smart enough to BELIEVE !!!
Sure you are.
Not believing gods exist if no gods can be proven to exist isn't all that complicated.

Brother David

Senior Member
Sure it is , proving God doesn't exist is way more difficult than proving He does .

Please give me one more example of life other than Earth .

Remember there was a time when all the world's greatest minds thought the earth was flat . Man were they wrong !

Is global warming the result of , wait , wait !

It's no longer global warming , it's now climate change because it's getting colder in some areas .

No Wait , there has always been fluctuations in Temperature , but this time it's man-made. I am confused .

Why would want to believe men whose hypothesis are continuing to be proven wrong ?


Of the hard cast variety
Absolutely , I will concluded that the Bible and all things God are and can be confusing. I once too allowed all these unanswered questions to control me. Once I gave it over to the Lord , I achieved peace in my life . I still have major battles with anger , jealousy , strife , but I don't allow those to control me . I know this sounds small , but I gave all this over to a big God and take it one day at time , heck one minute , second !
I have more peace now without a diety in my life than when I did. I got rid of a big god.
Do we cancel each other out?


Senior Member
Sure it is , proving God doesn't exist is way more difficult than proving He does .

Please give me one more example of life other than Earth .

Remember there was a time when all the world's greatest minds thought the earth was flat . Man were they wrong !

Is global warming the result of , wait , wait !

It's no longer global warming , it's now climate change because it's getting colder in some areas .

No Wait , there has always been fluctuations in Temperature , but this time it's man-made. I am confused .

Why would want to believe men whose hypothesis are continuing to be proven wrong ?

Because it's the best thing we've got. The people who resisted the idea that the Earth was round were the clergy because they interpret the Bible as talking about the Earth as a disc. The church was also the people who killed astronomers that said the sun was at the center of the solar system. Every time science disproves a claim about the natural world that contradicts religious texts it sticks. Our understanding has never gone the reverse direction.

I don't know how old you are but if you're over 40 you'll remember that they taught us that atoms were like balls connected by sticks. Remember that? Before I graduated from college, people commonly thought of atoms as pieces of matter that circled around like a little solar system. Remember that? Way before all that people in ancient Greece thought that there were basic elements that made up everything. Then they thought that everything was made up of tiny pieces of stuff like Legos. Now high schoolers are taught that atoms aren't even solid, that they're more like oozing clouds of honey and that electrons are both particles and waves. Were any of them wrong? Are they wrong now?

Do you already know about this stuff? Am I boring you?

You guys like to say "Prove to me there's no God". Prove to me there's no life on other planets. Prove to me there's not a teapot orbiting Mars.


Of the hard cast variety
Sure it is , proving God doesn't exist is way more difficult than proving He does .

Please give me one more example of life other than Earth .

Remember there was a time when all the world's greatest minds thought the earth was flat . Man were they wrong !

Is global warming the result of , wait , wait !

It's no longer global warming , it's now climate change because it's getting colder in some areas .

No Wait , there has always been fluctuations in Temperature , but this time it's man-made. I am confused .

Why would want to believe men whose hypothesis are continuing to be proven wrong ?
Whatever life is on this planet exists because the conditions are right for these lifeforms to live.
I/we/ the smartest humans do not know what may or may not exist on the next closest planet, let alone on every planet(hundreds upon hundreds of trillions) throughout the Universe, or what form that life may be.

Do you think this place was specifically made for us to live on and on and on perfectly as a species??

It would be the equivalent of placing your childs crib and raising them in the middle of a 4 lane freeway. It's not gonna be a matter of IF but WHEN.
We are one mile wide space rock away from instant extinction.

Brother David

Senior Member
Of Al the pictures we have of Mars , I never noticed the tea pot . :rofl:

So science keeps proving themselves wrong ?

There have been way too many killed on this Earth by differences of all kind . I think we can agree on that !

The Word's of Christ are 2000 years old. The Historian Josephus acknowledge Christ existence . Even the Great Roman Empire acknowledge Christ !

We love to quote history , but I don't need history , Christ is right here right with me !!!

Brother David

Senior Member
I don't think the Earth will be destroyed . I know the Earth will be destroyed , by earthqakes , meteors , and warfare , that's Bible !

Would the exist as we know if it was 1000 miles closer or farther from the Sun ?

What would happen if the Earth slowed down 1000 mph ?

What would happen if the Earth tilted 10 degrees on way or the other ?

What would happen if Earth stopped wobbling ?

Of it's perfectly placed !!!


Senior Member
Of Al the pictures we have of Mars , I never noticed the tea pot . :rofl:

So science keeps proving themselves wrong ?

There have been way too many killed on this Earth by differences of all kind . I think we can agree on that !

The Word's of Christ are 2000 years old. The Historian Josephus acknowledge Christ existence . Even the Great Roman Empire acknowledge Christ !

We love to quote history , but I don't need history , Christ is right here right with me !!!

I'm not interested in convincing you of anything anymore, Brother David. Go with God. Love your neighbor as your self and love your God. Be blessed.


Of the hard cast variety
Of Al the pictures we have of Mars , I never noticed the tea pot . :rofl:

So science keeps proving themselves wrong ?

There have been way too many killed on this Earth by differences of all kind . I think we can agree on that !

The Word's of Christ are 2000 years old. The Historian Josephus acknowledge Christ existence . Even the Great Roman Empire acknowledge Christ !

We love to quote history , but I don't need history , Christ is right here right with me !!!
It has been proven that Josephus writing about Jesus were later additions. Forgeries.
Show us what the Great Roman Empire actually acknowledged about Christ.

Since he is there with you, send him my way. He knows my address. I have some questions for him.


Of the hard cast variety
I don't think the Earth will be destroyed . I know the Earth will be destroyed , by earthqakes , meteors , and warfare , that's Bible !

Would the exist as we know if it was 1000 miles closer or ****her from the Sun ?

What would happen if the Earth slowed down 1000 mph ?

What would happen if the Earth tilted 10 degrees on way or the other ?

What would happen if Earth stopped wobbling ?

Of it's perfectly placed !!!
The earth doesnt exist for our benefit, we are a product of the conditions. When those conditions change, we go bye bye.

The sun IS burning out. One day conditions will change. Are you telling me your god designed the conditions to change to kill us off?


Of the hard cast variety
I have already asked God to go your way !!! Now God is waiting on you , can't get there selfishly only submissive .
My front door is unlocked, the porch light is on and while I await his Uber to show, can you show me where the Great Roman Empire acknowledged the miracles of Jesus Christ?
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Of the hard cast variety
I have already asked God to go your way !!! Now God is waiting on you , can't get there selfishly only submissive .
The very people that lived among and with Jesus NEVER wrote down a single event that supposedly happened while Jesus was among them.
No common person, no aristocrat, no teacher, no Rabbi, no Pharisees, no Foreign visitor, no King, No Queen, NOBODY, LITERALLY NOBODY who were supposedly present when Jesus healed people, brought them back from the dead, walked on water, turned water to wine, came back from the dead himself and LITERALLY ascended into the sky was NOT recorded by any person that was there.
Think about that.
Were these things SO common that nobody even batted an eye?
Surely even a pagan, non believer, believer in another god would be impressed enough to jot down about the flying Jew that flew into the clouds, even if they did not know who he was supposed to be.

Why do you think that is?

It took at least 30-70 years (for the writings that were accepted to make it into the bible, while other stories that were also written in those times being rejected because they did not tell flattering tales )for anonymous writers and writers who were not there, didnt know Jesus, didn't meet Jesus, never laid eyes on write down the stories about him.
Can you explain why?

Brother David

Senior Member
Not exactly sure where you got your facts . I was baffled by the nobodies who .
Matthew was a Disciple , Mark was at the Garden of Gethsemane , Luke the Gentile physican travelled with the Disciples and John the Revelator was one of his closest Disciples .

Don't forget that this was still somewhat a Betowin society . Quite often in these societies and still today all history is giving Orally .

As with all books about real and historical people we could argue about what was and was not included .


Of the hard cast variety
Not exactly sure where you got your facts . I was baffled by the nobodies who .
Matthew was a Disciple , Mark was at the Garden of Gethsemane , Luke the Gentile physican travelled with the Disciples and John the Revelator was one of his closest Disciples .

Don't forget that this was still somewhat a Betowin society . Quite often in these societies and still today all history is giving Orally .

As with all books about real and historical people we could argue about what was and was not included .
Brother, you REALLY need to do some research on who even biblical scholars agree who did and who did not pen those writings.
There is no way you are basing your replies off of research. You are using what you have been told or taught, not what is factually true.

If AT LEAST 500 people witnessed the ascension from all walks of life and nationalities are you telling me that they just talked about it for 30 years?!?!?!?! Until some of Jesus buddies decided to write it down 30 years later?