Bass Swap (Keeping the Ball Rolling)


Senior Member
That's too bad....I'm gonna make the expedition up there real soon. I wish we had more fly shops in SE Georgia.

Yep Fish Hawk closes at 6 pm Mon - Fri.

Here are some pics of my sculpin. This is on a size 4 4x streamer, with larger barbell eyes. What do you guys think?


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Sorry guys I forgot to get back on here and post my pattern.

I'm going to tie Ward's Articulated Streamers

I've had good luck with them in both Black and Olive with/without legs. But will most like tie black w/ chartreuse legs.

Does anybody have a color preference? I've got to make a material run before I start tying so if anyone wants a specific color let me know.


Old Worn Out Mod
Staff member
Sorry guys I forgot to get back on here and post my pattern.

I'm going to tie Ward's Articulated Streamers

I've had good luck with them in both Black and Olive with/without legs. But will most like tie black w/ chartreuse legs.

Does anybody have a color preference? I've got to make a material run before I start tying so if anyone wants a specific color let me know.

Color don't matter to me but I am looking forward to get'n one. I have heard of articulated streamers but never had one.:fine:


Senior Member
Sorry guys I forgot to get back on here and post my pattern.

I'm going to tie Ward's Articulated Streamers

I've had good luck with them in both Black and Olive with/without legs. But will most like tie black w/ chartreuse legs.

Does anybody have a color preference? I've got to make a material run before I start tying so if anyone wants a specific color let me know.

I usually tie Ward's Articulated Streamer in either chartreuse or black, but whatever color you wanna tie is fine. I hope you don't have as hard of a time as I did tracking down some Whiting American Hen Necks! I finally found some at Stone River Outfitters, but even then they had to wait 2 weeks on a shipment from Whiting. Either way, that's a really good fly you're tying!
The hen necks always seem hard to track down for some reason. Luckily I've got them in olive and black already, so I should be ok for now.


Old Worn Out Mod
Staff member
Mine are tied. Just need to know if more are needed and mail addy.


Senior Member
Mine are tied. Just need to know if more are needed and mail addy.

Whoops sorry! I just added my address up at the top. As far as anymore being needed, so far nobody else has joined, so I think we'll be safe tying one for each participant. If however you want to tie more, you are more than welcome too.


Old Worn Out Mod
Staff member
I tied all with orange legs. I will thow in a couple with yellow and if no more join,then add them to your personal collection. Thanks for hosting KF.:cheers:


Senior Member
Ok folks, I'm going to tie the sculpins this weekend. :stir:
If you have any preference on the tail, size, or color, let me know and I will be glad to tie it and tag it just for you. :cheers:
If you do not have a preference I will tie a #4 in black, with a fox fur tail. But I can tie in the body in black or olive and I can tie with black, olive, or chartreuse rabbit hair or zonker tails.
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Senior Member
Just to make sure everyone noticed, WinMag joined so we now have 9 participants. Saturday the 20th is the deadline for signing up in case we have any other takers.


Old Worn Out Mod
Staff member
My contribution goes postal in the morning. Thanks for host'n KF.:clap:


Senior Member
Ok. If no one has any preference on color or size of the sculpin, I am finished. I will tag the specials with the recipients names. Unless some lets me know by tonight that they want a certain color or size. I will mail what I have on Saturday (providing that I get my envelopes).


Senior Member
Fellas, I received 'ol Paymaster's Stealth Bombers last nite and let me tell ya, ya'll are gonna love'em! Lookin' good as usual Pay! Thanx for the "freebies":)