Birthday Give Away

Knife Giveaway

I would appreciate being entered in the knife giveaway drawing. Thanks for your willingness to share some of your great work with others. Someone will be blessed.


Steelringin' Mod
So, how many 69th birthdays is this for you? :rofl:

Just kidding. Here is to hoping yours is as good as the knives you make, which are excellent!

I would be honored if you put my name in.


Senior Member
I hope you have a great birthday and I'd love to have a chance at a knife.


Senior Member
Happy 69 th to you Mr Tabor! I got ya beat by 1! Good looking knife ! Please put me in the hat! Mighty nice of YOU to do this for US!!!!......Doug


Senior Member
Your doing it backwards. Happy birthday to you!


Slow Mod
Staff member
Happy Birthday in advance and thank you for the opportunity. I would like to be considered.


New Member
throw my name in the hat twice ,might have to help a old fellow i hunt with skin a deer with it

Dr. Strangelove

Senior Member
I'd love a chance to win a male version, thanks!


Senior Member
Please enter my name in your drawing, And a very happy birthday to you sir.


Senior Member
Wow, your work is truly amazing! Count me in and thanks!

mrs. hornet22

Beach Dreamer
I want to play too! :fine: I'm a September baby too. Happy early Birthday.:yeah: