Burglar ignores shotgun warning, is shot by homeowner


Senior Member
I’m a fool for a happy ending……


Senior Member
I some situations, you’d be as likely to get arrested for the warning shot than the one you meant to connect with.


Senior Member
Only idiot here is the homeowner for not making the first shot fatal. You don't use lethal force in a non- lethal manner. If he don't need killin, you have the wrong tool. If he does need killin, don't muck around and get it done ASAP.


Senior Member
I probably would have shot him better than in the leg.
That said, we don't know the whole story. Maybe the homeowner could tell the guy was really drunk and was not a burglar meaning harm etc.
I'm not saying he should not be dead or the homeowner did anything right or wrong. Just we don't truly know what he saw at the time.
Its easy to be a an arm chair quarterback when you don't have the adrenaline pumping or have all the facts. The only one that knows what was presented is the homeowner.


Senior Member
I went to high school with the guy. Super nice dude. And yes he was plastered off his you know what. Can't say I would have shot for the legs though...