Cancer Warning On Great Value Pancakes

Silver Britches

Official Sports Forum Birthday Thread Starter
What the heck! Just saw this on my bag of Great Value Buttermilk Pancakes. Pretty much destroyed that pancakes with heavy syrup craving I had. :bounce:



Cap`n Jack 1313
IF everything that is "known by the state of crackheadafornication to cause cancer" actually caused cancer we could sell the whole place back to Mexico as a non-habitational zone.


Senior Member
IF everything that is "known by the state of crackheadafornication to cause cancer" actually caused cancer we could sell the whole place back to Mexico as a non-habitational zone.
Hmmm, good idea!


Senior Member
I just bought some Great Value pancake mix yesterday, and my wife & myself made some up this morning. I just checked the label - no banned in Cali chemicals in the mix version so I guess I'm safe. As already mentioned, everything is considered cancerous in Cali. :rolleyes:


Senior Member
There are so many food products out there that contain all kinds of additives and many may not be good for us but who knows? I just eat what I want and hope for the best I love pancakes also.


Senior Member
I was reading about the “industrial solvents” used to mass produce soo much of our food stuffs like grains and oils. It’s not funny or surprising some of the health problems these days.


Senior Member
Just wondering what Waffle House waffles cause.:biggrin3:


Senior Member

In California, everything (except socialism) supposedly can cause cancer.


Senior Member
Gov. Newsome should come with a similar warning label