DMAP Program

Long Cut

Senior Member
Phenomenal program, hopefully more land owners & managers participate and implement the practices they preach. I.E. shoot more does Piedmont & South GA


Senior Member
Looks interesting and they have a similar program in Texas. I was wondering if those in the program are allowed hunting outside normal season. In Texas, we have extra days to hunt in order to attempt to meet our quotas.

Long Cut

Senior Member
ABSOLUTELY! We were supposed to kill 165 this past season but we only got to 105......its alot of work but we are seeing the benefit!

In my experience it’s bringing the doe population down that hangs most folks up.
I can assure y’all that having a 1-1 sex ratio will make for better rut hunting conditions and healthier, larger bucks & does.


Senior Member
In my experience it’s bringing the doe population down that hangs most folks up.
I can assure y’all that having a 1-1 sex ratio will make for better rut hunting conditions and healthier, larger bucks & does.
For sure, the only down side is we had a bunch of busted up bucks at the end of the season last year and we still saw plenty of deer every sit, but hopeful the rut will be even better this year!

slow motion

Senior Member
I haven't read the article yet so probably not fair to say but judging by comments so far it's sounds like another grow more and bigger bucks by killing does. If so I will say that unless you are exceeding the carrying capacity of the land then it makes no sense. ESPECIALLY if you are supplemental feeding. If you want more deer leave does alone. If you want a stable population shoot some. If you want to reduce population shoot a bunch. Population ratios are somewhat self correcting. Half fawns are male. Half female. All that said, as long as you operate within the laws then I will be the first to shake your hand in congratulations whatever you shoot be it a buck, doe, or fawn. Will keep my mouth shut now. Good luck everyone. Hope you have a great season.


Senior Member
I haven't read the article yet so probably not fair to say but judging by comments so far it's sounds like another grow more and bigger bucks by killing does. If so I will say that unless you are exceeding the carrying capacity of the land then it makes no sense. ESPECIALLY if you are supplemental feeding. If you want more deer leave does alone. If you want a stable population shoot some. If you want to reduce population shoot a bunch. Population ratios are somewhat self correcting. Half fawns are male. Half female. All that said, as long as you operate within the laws then I will be the first to shake your hand in congratulations whatever you shoot be it a buck, doe, or fawn. Will keep my mouth shut now. Good luck everyone. Hope you have a great season.
The STATE biologist estimated our density at 140ish deer per square mile….they recommend 50. There is nowhere in the world that can sustain that many deer and have a healthy herd, even with supplemental feeding.


Senior Member
Slow motion,
The biologist was much more about habitat management than deer harvest.

Things like what to plant when, where, and most importantly, forest management, both pine and hardwoods.

We got a written, detailed plan that we can follow for several years.

It was well worth the $105 it cost us

slow motion

Senior Member

The STATE biologist estimated our density at 140ish deer per square mile….they recommend 50. There is nowhere in the world that can sustain that many deer and have a healthy herd, even with supplemental feeding.

Slow motion,
The biologist was much more about habitat management than deer harvest.

Things like what to plant when, where, and most importantly, forest management, both pine and hardwoods.

We got a written, detailed plan that we can follow for several years.

It was well worth the $105 it cost us
Good luck to you both


Senior Member
The STATE biologist estimated our density at 140ish deer per square mile….they recommend 50. There is nowhere in the world that can sustain that many deer and have a healthy herd, even with supplemental feeding.
.22 deer per acre, or about 1 deer per 5 acres. That is crowded.


Staff member
I haven't read the article yet so probably not fair to say but judging by comments so far it's sounds like another grow more and bigger bucks by killing does. If so I will say that unless you are exceeding the carrying capacity of the land then it makes no sense. ESPECIALLY if you are supplemental feeding. If you want more deer leave does alone. If you want a stable population shoot some. If you want to reduce population shoot a bunch. Population ratios are somewhat self correcting. Half fawns are male. Half female. All that said, as long as you operate within the laws then I will be the first to shake your hand in congratulations whatever you shoot be it a buck, doe, or fawn. Will keep my mouth shut now. Good luck everyone. Hope you have a great season.


Staff member
Some places I hunt, like around here, you couldn't pay me $500 to shoot a doe. It took us about 25 years to get up to a population density of one antlered buck per square mile in my county.


Staff member