Dog Bites VS Snake Bites


Senior Member
I've been doing a little research, sparked by the dog bite thread. Here's what I've found:

There are (on average) 800,000 people bitten by dogs every year. In those, there are 26 fatalities.

There are (on average) 7,000 venomous snake bites each year. Of those, approximately 3,000 bites are illegitimate bites (the person was harrassing or trying to capture the snake). There are, on average, 14 deaths from venomous snake bites annually (this number drops to 8, if you discount the illegitimate bites).

Looks to me like we should kill every dog we see, and leave the rattlesnakes, copperheads, and cottonmouths alone. After all, we are much more likely to get bitten and even KILLED by a dog than we are a venomous snake.

Here's an interesting read on Dog Bites:


The Snakeman


Senior Member
I can see your point Snakeman but I respect dogs just like I do a posionous snake just don't killum.Sometimes I wish I could though.


Senior Member
Yeah,people are too quick to kill a snake,just for being a snake.Maybe it's an inherited fear - from Adam and Eve !


Senior Member
I think you are on to something there rangerdave.


Senior Member
Snakeman, I see your point and appreciate it. However, I will have to say that in my life I have accidentally bumped into or stepped on/over a dog well over a hundred times and never been bitten.

I have accidentally stepped on one snake in my lifetime and he bit me! So, the snakes are batting 1000!

I do get your point, though.


Senior Member
Snakeman, I see your point and appreciate it. However, I will have to say that in my life I have accidentally bumped into or stepped on/over a dog well over a hundred times and never been bitten.

I have accidentally stepped on one snake in my lifetime and he bit me! So, the snakes are batting 1000!

I do get your point, though.
Have you ever cut yourself with a knife? Didn't get rid of all of them, did you?

I'm glad most are understanding the point. I am in no way advocating killing all dogs, all snakes, or throwing out all knives. Just putting things in perspective.

The Snakeman


Senior Member
Never cut myself with a knife unless I elected to handle it first! But, to your point, I have to say I have gotten better over the last year or two. I have let all non-poisonous snakes crawl away unharmed. The poisonous ones are still on my hit-list though.


Senior Member
my only thought is that most of the time you can see the dog coming... you walk up on a snake and its a completely different story.


Senior Member
my only thought is that most of the time you can see the dog coming... you walk up on a snake and its a completely different story.
In that case, wouldn't the statistics be the other way around? If you see the dog coming, wouldn't you be able to do something about it?

The Snakeman


Senior Member
In that case, wouldn't the statistics be the other way around? If you see the dog coming, wouldn't you be able to do something about it?

The Snakeman

yeah you're right, i worded it wrong!! sorry! i should've read back over it :crazy:

I didnt mean there should be less bites because you can see them coming. I think there are more dog bites because people are in such close interaction with dogs on such a constant basis. Where as they're getting bitten by snakes when they unintentionaly invade their space. Be it moving logs or on a hike.
(the thought on being able to see dogs coming and having a moment of thought to decide what to do was in reguards to the last line about killing all the dogs and leaving all the snakes.)

Actually.. now that i think about it i really have to wonder how many of those dog bites were illegitimate bites.. It would seem that a lot of dog bites would come from kids pulling their tails, people rough housing with them, moving their food bowl. Stuff like that..


Senior Member
In that case, wouldn't the statistics be the other way around? If you see the dog coming, wouldn't you be able to do something about it?

The Snakeman

Isn't there a big difference between a dog bite and a dog attack. I would think that fact alone would change the end result of the statistics.
I would think that people die at a higher rate from dog attacks rather than a single bite. Yet they all seem to be lumped into one.
If poisonous snakes attacked in the same way a dog did (ie: multiple bites) then I am sure the percentages would change drastically.
I am not trying to dispute your post but rather say that it may not be a fair comparison.
I also agree with you that killing poisonous snakes is not really the best policy but I am guilty of doing it on more than one occasion. If it is somewhere away from people then I leave it alone.


Senior Member
Actually.. now that i think about it i really have to wonder how many of those dog bites were illegitimate bites.. It would seem that a lot of dog bites would come from kids pulling their tails, people rough housing with them, moving their food bowl. Stuff like that..

We must have been typing at the same time. My thoughts exactly.


Senior Member
In that case, wouldn't the statistics be the other way around? If you see the dog coming, wouldn't you be able to do something about it?

The Snakeman
snakes are sneaky
dogs are fast and sometimes sneaky
I kill the rattlesnakes and copper heads and dont bother the others. I dont want the RS and CH around my grand kids.


Senior Member
yeah you're right, i worded it wrong!! sorry! i should've read back over it :crazy:

I didnt mean there should be less bites because you can see them coming. I think there are more dog bites because people are in such close interaction with dogs on such a constant basis. Where as they're getting bitten by snakes when they unintentionaly invade their space. Be it moving logs or on a hike.
(the thought on being able to see dogs coming and having a moment of thought to decide what to do was in reguards to the last line about killing all the dogs and leaving all the snakes.)

Actually.. now that i think about it i really have to wonder how many of those dog bites were illegitimate bites.. It would seem that a lot of dog bites would come from kids pulling their tails, people rough housing with them, moving their food bowl. Stuff like that..

and in general invading their space .......:bounce:


Senior Member
snakes are sneaky
dogs are fast and sometimes sneaky
I kill the rattlesnakes and copper heads and dont bother the others. I dont want the RS and CH around my grand kids.

the only time i ve seen a sneaky snake [ :rofl:] is when it was after its prey .......they aren t sneaky n defense mode ........:eek:

Lead Poison

Senior Member
Never cut myself with a knife unless I elected to handle it first! But, to your point, I have to say I have gotten better over the last year or two. I have let all non-poisonous snakes crawl away unharmed. The poisonous ones are still on my hit-list though.

They're still on my hit list as well. :hair::shoot:

If they're poinsonious-they're gonna die from...Lead Poison. :shoot:


Senior Member
Without getting the calculator out, it seems to me the percentage of dieng from a venomous snake bite are MUCH greater than any dog bite. Why not include all snake bites not just the venomous ones? A friend of mine ended up in the hospital for a few days from a garder snake bite on the leg. I don't let NO snake live if he's near my yard, I do not kill a nonvenomous one in the woods. My wifes poodle might bite but guarantee it would not kill.


Senior Member
quackertackr said:
Without getting the calculator out, it seems to me the percentage of dieng from a venomous snake bite are MUCH greater than any dog bite.
Yes, that is IF you get bit. But calculate the bites.......800,000 vs 7,000, and you see the danger of getting dog bit are much greater.

hunter 58 said:
If i think they are gonna bite, get em before they bite.
Here's some wisdom for you, and it is ALWAYS 100% true:
If it has a mouth, it WILL bite.
If it has feet, it WILL kick. :D

The Snakeman