Snake Bites


Senior Member
snake boots and slowing it down a few notches in the woods.

lightly stomping as you walk will alert them, they cant hear but the vibrations they can detect. It works, google it.


Senior Member
There are so many factors that come into play. Bite location on the body and the size of the snake are huge factors. Big snakes can/will potentially pump more venom into you. Keep in mind that often snake bites are dry bites, meaning they bite but don't inject any venom. Stay as calm as you can, keep the bite site below your heart, remove any constricting cloths or boots and get to a hospital fast. You will make it!

Pat Tria

Senior Member
I have been a paramedic in a rural county for 10 years and have seen a decent amount of snake bites . Most people that I have encountered with snake bites are from handling them and a few that have been bitten on the hand while picking up and object off of the ground ( mostly lumber ) . The worst one that I have ever seen was from a big diamondback that got a 30ish year old male on the leg . Within 20 minutes the swelling was unreal . This may have been enhanced with the guy using a belt around his thigh . I removed the belt ,started IV , placed on monitor ,kept his leg off of stretcher and had him at the hospital within 45 minutes of bite..... Upon arrival he received his first dose of Crofab and shortly after went into cardiac arrest ....he didnt make it . We used to take the dead snake with us to ER but with the Crofab it doesnt need positive ID if it is a pitviper .

Great story but a real lousy ending. ::;
Snake vs Bolt/Arrrow = Man Victory.

also, snakes attack based off vibration. hold your position and the snake is likely to just slither on. that, or step on his head/neck or pick that bad boy up! Are you a Man or a woMAN?


Senior Member
Got bit by a snake when I was a kid at night playing in the woods. I did not know that then. I did not realize that is what happened until recently my brother got bit on the foot while camping, by a copperhead. His bite looked like a small scratch. We were on a remote island only accessible by boat and it was the middle of the night. It was probably three hours until he got to the hospital. He was fine, but the actual bite did get infected a few days later. It finally healed. He said the doctors or nurses never even treated or cleaned the actual bite on his foot.
Which takes me back to my story of how when I was 10 or 11 we were playing hide and seek on an island one night and I felt something scratch my ankle. I paid no attention because I had to get to base ofcourse. With in thirty min we were swimming and my ankle was throbbing. I what looked like a small scratch right under my ankle. It swoll up and I could barely walk on it for a few days. I had self diagnosed it as a sprang ankle, but after seeing first hand what happened to my brother, I am 99% sure I was bit by a copperhead, I actuall think that since we were swimming in Salt water that may have helped.

Basically copperhead bites are the most common yet, least dangerous. All my Grandparents growing up in the country and on farms had been bit by copperheads.


Senior Member
In June of 2009 my girlfriends famliy was at our place one evening, and her mother was bit by a cotton mouth. She went into anaphalactic shock. And thirty min later had an emergency trache done at crisp reginal hospital. She was on a vent. for 11 days and took 14 viles of anti venom. She was bit directly in a main arterie in her leg. I would not bet on the 3 hour deal. Just my opinion.


Senior Member
That old NotaVegetarian has been snake bit 3 times. Hope he see's this post, and comments. Maybe he can tell us a snake tail or two.


Hillbilly Philosopher
That old NotaVegetarian has been snake bit 3 times. Hope he see's this post, and comments. Maybe he can tell us a snake tail or two.

No offense or nothing... but i ain't sure i'd hang around much with a feller' that has done been snake bit 3 times? I had a friend who got struck by lightening... "TWICE"! We ain't fishing buddies no more...


Senior Member
No offense or nothing... but i ain't sure i'd hang around much with a feller' that has done been snake bit 3 times? I had a friend who got struck by lightening... "TWICE"! We ain't fishing buddies no more...

i don't know, if they're bitin him they ain't bitin you! kinda like that ole story about 'i don't have to run faster than that bear, i just have to be able to run faster than you'

i say take him with you, give them a more favorable target :biggrin3:


Senior Member
I cruised timber in al. Ga. Fl. Ms. Sc. Nc. And ar. I cant say exactly how many times i got "popped" during those years, but i know it was over 75. Snake chaps saved me every time. I know they are hot and uncomfortable, but you get used to them.


Senior Member
Yup.......... I use snake boots AND chaps when I am hanging stands prior to the season.. After walking and cleaning my trail out of obstructions/logs/branches/and places for them to hide.. During early hunting season I wear the snake boots.. A clear trail will deter a snake from getting lazy and taking a nap on your main trail in... I just kick the debris clear out of my trail.. makes it safer when the season opener comes.. That way I can see anything long and slender in the path.. Hard to see when there is all that woods trash in your trail


Senior Member
Modified Stationary Panic, or Full Bore Linear Panic?

I think he's referring to the type of panic where he would be running hysterically through the woods until he hit a tree head on and knocked himself out.:biggrin2:


Senior Member

Only Use a TOURNIQUET in teh event that you are prepared for LIMB REMOVAL...

If you USE it, you will LOSE it

Silver Britches

Official Sports Forum Birthday Thread Starter
Yup.......... I use snake boots AND chaps when I am hanging stands prior to the season.. After walking and cleaning my trail out of obstructions/logs/branches/and places for them to hide.. During early hunting season I wear the snake boots.. A clear trail will deter a snake from getting lazy and taking a nap on your main trail in... I just kick the debris clear out of my trail.. makes it safer when the season opener comes.. That way I can see anything long and slender in the path.. Hard to see when there is all that woods trash in your trail

I try to keep my trails clean, too. I also wear snake boots and chaps together. But honestly, I wear the snake boots because I don't trust the chaps, and I wear the chaps because I don't trust the snake boots!:D


I hate the idea of walking up on a rattle snake! but in all honesty I worry alot more about getting in a dang yellow jacket nest! I HATE YELLOW JACKETS!!! it has happend to me more times than I care to remember. I HATE YELLOW JACKETS!! I ALSO HATE HORNETS AND WASP nest in my deer stand tree! You are much more likely to walk into a nest of - I AM A POTTY MOUTH -- I AM A POTTY MOUTH -- I AM A POTTY MOUTH -- I AM A POTTY MOUTH -- I AM A POTTY MOUTH -- I AM A POTTY MOUTH - off flying critters than a snake! I HATE YELLOW JACKETS!! watc out for snakes too! Watch the ground as you walk! don't be be-boppin along just looking off into nowhere.


Senior Member
Modified Stationary Panic, or Full Bore Linear Panic?

if i didnt suffer from a heart attack when it struck, snookdoctor pretty much nailed it. i would lose all sense of reason and run until i knocked myself out. i dont like snakes.


Senior Member
if i didnt suffer from a heart attack when it struck, snookdoctor pretty much nailed it. i would lose all sense of reason and run until i knocked myself out. i dont like snakes.

:rofl::rofl::rofl:Spiders are my snakes!