Dress code at church?


Senior Member
I always wear a suit and tie to church; I figger if Reagan can have so much respect for his position that he never removed his coat in the Oval Office, I can have enough respect for the One who died for me that I put on my best when I visit His house.

Y'all wear what you want, it doesn't matter to me; like my daddy always told me: "It doesn't make any difference what others do, so long as YOU do the right thing."


Senior Member
Slipe sliding away......

It is just another sign of the south losing it's heritage. I assure you, if your family is from the south, your grandpa would never in his wildest dreams have worn shorts to church. :eek: Neither would my dad, neither will I and neither will my son. But hey, "It's ALL good. Change with the times. I mean God changes with time right? Just because something was wrong 10-20 whatever years ago does not make it wrong today." How many topics could we say that about hunh????
Paint it however you want. Claim the 'high road' if you so choose. The fact remains, it is about RESPECT. Why did our parents or grandparents not wear shorts to church? Were the summer's cooler back then? Had nobody invented shorts yet? Oh, ok.... :rolleyes: And y'all can tout that "Well if it's the nicest thing somebody has"... whatever. Sounds nice, but you KNOW darn good and well that is NOT the case. :whip: Nobody in the world would fault a person for wearing the best they have whatever it is. If people are wearing "the best they have" to church then this country is in a depresion the likes of which has never been seen before.
I wouldn't go to your house in shorts for dinner I'm sure not going into the house of the Lord dressed that way. ::;
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Dudley Do-Wrong

Senior Member
I think God deserves the best we can give Him. If shorts are the best someone has, then fine.


Senior Member
To me, Sunday Morning and Sunday Night Services are like others have said here, to be treated with respect to the Lord. That means I wear clothes nicer to Church on those days than I do to work during the week. That is a minimum of some dress slacks and a collared, button shirt or a suit. Wednesday night service is not too long after I get off of work, so I wear what I wore to work that day (minimum jeans, collared shirt).

If that is a visitor, or shorts is all that they have, then obviously, no problem. But I think those actual situations are few and far between.

However, I am actually more concerned about good, upstanding members allowing their wives and daughters wearing miniskirts and low-cut blouses that do nothing but cause male members (young and old) to look at legs and breasts during the service instead of the preacher and the Bible. Yeah, it's the man's fault for watching that stuff instead of worshipping, but a portion of the blame also falls on the woman and her husband as well.

Just my opinion of course.


Senior Member
TOW said:
A cowboy in church

One Sunday morning an old cowboy entered a church just
before services were to begin. Although the old man
and his clothes were spotlessly clean, he wore jeans,
a denim shirt and boots that were very worn and
ragged. In his hand he carried a worn out old hat and
an equally worn out Bible.

The church he entered was in a very upscale and
exclusive part of the city. It was the largest and
most beautiful church the old cowboy had ever seen.
The people of the congregation were all dressed with
expensive clothes and accessories.

As the cowboy took a seat, the others moved away from
him. No one greeted, spoke to, or welcomed him. They
were all appalled at his appearance and did not
attempt to hide it.

As the old cowboy was leaving the church, the preacher
approached him and asked the cowboy to do him a favor.
"Before you come back in here again, have a talk with
God and ask him what he thinks would be appropriate
attire for worship." The old cowboy assured the
preacher he would.

The next Sunday, he showed back up for the services
wearing the same ragged jeans, shirt, boots, and hat.
Once again he was completely shunned and ignored. The
preacher approached the man and said, "I thought I
asked you to speak to God before you came back to our

"I did," replied the old cowboy.

"If you spoke to God, what did he tell you the proper
attire should be for worshiping in here?" asked the

"Well, sir, God told me that He didn't have a clue
what I should wear. He said He'd never been in this
church "



Senior Member
I feel a Church should have better things to do than worry with what people have on. At our Church Sun. morning most have on dress pants, suit and tie, dresses etc formal. Sun night is a little more casual some people wear shorts, jeans etc. Wed night is all around casual most wear jeans, shorts. I help in the kitchen on Wed night with our meals so I wear jeans and shorts when it gets warmer. I sometimes wear shorts on Sun. night, but on Sun mornings I wear slacks and dress shirts I hate a suit and tie so I seldom wear one. I have seen some come in on Sun. night straight from hunting and still have on camo. I think I asked the question in the earlier thread if anyone's Church had ever called anyone on there dress and no one could recall that they had so it dosent appear that it is a problem in most Churchs.


Senior Member
GeauxLSU said:
, your grandpa would never in his wildest dreams have worn shorts to church. :eek:

my granddad only wore shorts out in public at one place-the beach-and that was only a few times in his entire life when he was a young feller. i never saw him in any.........


GeauxLSU said:
The fact remains, it is about RESPECT. ::;

Well, if it shows disrespect for me to wear shorts to church, does that mean that I certainly can't come into the presence of GOD (kneel and pray) in a pair of shorts without it being disrespectful?

Jody Hawk

Senior Member
7401R said:
Well, if it shows disrespect for me to wear shorts to church, does that mean that I certainly can't come into the presence of GOD (kneel and pray) in a pair of shorts without it being disrespectful?

I often pray in shorts, I've even prayed in my underwear, but when I'm in God's House I'm in pants.


Senior Member
Where in the Bible does it tell you that you cant wear shorts to Church or that you have to wear a suit and tie?


Jody Hawk said:
I often pray in shorts, I've even prayed in my underwear, but when I'm in God's House I'm in pants.

Seems to me, you respect the house more than you respect GOD. JMO

This smacks of legalism to me.....during Bible times the prevalent style of dress for men was the tunic, most of which were no more than knee length (first shorts?:huh: ). I would venture to say, if it was alright for Paul to preach in a tunic..... it is alright for me to wear shorts to church.

BTW, I do not wear shorts to church. I tend to follow the norm and my raising. (was also raised to be a Democrat.....I have to go against my raising on this)

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Senior Member
IMHO, it is matter of spiritual maturity.


Whiteboy said:
Never done it, but I've got bigger problems of my own than to worry about the speck in somebody else's eye. I'll leave that up to the more qualified judges there.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Senior Member
I was taught to do what the bible says. so in light of this can anyone quote a bible verse that confronts this issue one way or the other? imo that will solve this debate.


gatrapper said:
I agree with Arrow if you are there worshiping god then i really dont find what you are wearing a big deal.

I wanted to qoute a few others but dont know if you can qoute more than one per post. But anyway- first to the one i didnt qoute but wanted to- SBG said that it was a matter of spiritual maturity. What? Brother that is one of the most insane comments I've read tonight. Really no other comment for that is needed. But anyway.

I like gatrapper, totally agree with Arrow on this one. Who cares? Does God? Anyway... probably attitudes like these from believers that would make a non-Christian not want to come to church.

And to the ones that were qouting the "not wanting to worry about the speck in others eyes, because of the plank in their own...." I'm pretty sure that right there Jesus was speaking on Sin, not on wearing shorts to church.

Anyway, get a grip fellows-- as long as there modest let em' come on in.


Senior Member
7401R said:
Well, if it shows disrespect for me to wear shorts to church, does that mean that I certainly can't come into the presence of GOD (kneel and pray) in a pair of shorts without it being disrespectful?
Of course. You can do it in your underwear or bare rear naked if you want. Would you go to church either way?
As I said, some will pretend this is a high horse issue. It's not. It's yet another example of us changing God to suit our selfish needs (we can't be 'bothered' to dress a little nicer for church?!?!). As he said "Will you not stay awake with me but one hour?"
We hear it all. "Well I don't need to go to church and if I go I sure don't need to dress like I'm going...."
It's amazing how we define God based on our selfish desires isn't it? It's not ALL good.
Is it really asking so much to dress respectfully to entire the house of the Lord who willingly sacrificed Himself for your benefit by hanging until His death on a cross? No, of course He doesn't NEED it. But He most certainly DESERVES it. I guess it's just too much to ask.....

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