Drivelers say the days get sweeter #429

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Cap`n Jack 1313
I think we have discussed this before. Do you know why rain water is better than well or city water?
No additives that are spossed to be good for us, but bad for everything else on the planet.. so says our .gov. With out all that fluoride and all the other stuff "they" put in .gov water since 1945 we'd all be toofless. Guess nobody pass the age of 10 had a toof in their head before 1945. Ain't you ever watched Dr. Stangelove or: How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb?

Core Lokt

Senior Member
No additives that are spossed to be good for us, but bad for everything else on the planet.. so says our .gov. With out all that fluoride and all the other stuff "they" put in .gov water since 1945 we'd all be toofless. Guess nobody pass the age of 10 had a toof in their head before 1945. Ain't you ever watched Dr. Stangelove or: How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb?
I've heard more than once that rain water is electrically energized and contains nitrates and the reason it is better for plant growth.
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