Drivelers say the days get sweeter #429

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trad bow

wooden stick slinging driveler
Between water bills and electric bill my house expenses have dramatically increased over the past two months


Staff member
I been going for a walk to try and burn off some calories. My Doc recommended some shoes that would be easier on my feet and add stability while walking. I hadn’t bought any as they were pricey. I got a pair of Hoka walking shoes for Dads day. Without a doubt the lightest, most comfortable shoes I’ve ever worn. I have Brooks sneakers and Hoka beats them easily. The soles on their walking shoes are built to make it tougher to roll an ankle. That’s my endorsement for today.

trad bow

wooden stick slinging driveler
Morning Ms Keebs
Doing fine. Taking a water and shoulder break. Blueberry patch is taking some time to clean up and pick berries.


Staff member
Man it’s hot out there. You curmudgeons be careful in this heat, I’m serious now.
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