Existing Food Plot Question


Senior Member
I just got a new spot at my hunting land. There is already an existing food plot there, and I think that it has Biologic planted in it right now. There are deer tracks and turkey poop everywhere. It is still green but i was wondering if I should plow it up and plant it again before turkey season. If not do I just need to throw some fertilizer on it to revitalize it? If so what kind? Thanks for your time.


Senior Member
Russell, I just leave it alone, with it still being green and as close as it is to turkey season it's not going to get hot enough to kill it off and since your not sure if its a annual or perennial mix in it, and them using it, I'd hold off til fall planting season on it.


Senior Member
without seeing it, thats hard to answer, but fertilzer's like chicken soup, it may not help, but it not going to hurt anything either---------as long as you don't overdo it
If you just feel the need to do something, lime it. Lime takes about 4 to 6 months to really kick in.

It wouldn't hurt to fertilize it. Any warm season plants that are sprouting will get a boost , and turkeys like those new greens.


Senior Member
test the soil you will have your answer in about two weeks. I just turned in all my soil test friday. good luck