Fuel prices

7 point

Senior Member
Without getting political what do yall think is the cause of these high fuel prices I keep hearing different things and all depends on who you ask so I'm just doing a little pole.


Mr Non-Libertaw Got To Be Done My Way
Brandon and his "greenie" supporters. They want to force us all to EV's and mass transit. Make us poor and dependant on guberment.


Senior Member
No way to address the price of gas without getting political. The current Resident in the White House has made it very difficult for petroleum businesses to dig, extract, transport, process, and deliver gasoline and diesel. At every step administration policy has caused increases in cost for us. It doesn't help when major crude oil suppliers are delivering less. OPEC intentionally reduced deliveries and set new, higher, minimum prices. Russia is another major supplier and the current administration is in a proxy war with Putin meaning almost all of Russian oil is not available to the US or western Europe.

Note that the administration has blamed Putin for the increases, but most of the price increases happened BEFORE Russia invaded Ukraine and before OPEC cut deliveries.


Senior Member
What's so funny (tragic) is that this country will NEVER see electric vehicles become main stream. The infrastructure people want a hard commitment from the manufacturers, and the manufacturers want a hard commitment from the infrastructure people. Neither are giving or getting. Throw in the fact that the number one component to make an electric car run is Cobalt, and the US is not going to mortgage the country to the Chinese, who control most all the Cobalt. Dems are just getting rich off all the grants from R and D.

7 point

Senior Member
I had a conversation with my mother and I just let her talk lol moms always right she blames us not using Russia oil .


Staff member
You can't get into the cause without politics. It started with his executive orders on his first day of office, and has escalated since then. Democrat policies are dead set against fossil fuels and all about limiting them. Except the whole world still runs on fossil fuels.


Staff member
I had a conversation with my mother and I just let her talk lol moms always right she blames us not using Russia oil .
Except the price already more than doubled before Russia.


Senior Member
1. Consumer confidence is at recession levels (low).
2. Democrats are in control and have throttled the supply of everything, oil and fuel included.
3. Buying the more expensive fuel from overseas instead of refining more here.
4. Oil companies knowing they can drive up their pricing and blame it on the previous three things.
5. Summer fuel mix.
5. Liberal socialists manipulating government policy in order to force people into "green solutions" that are more expensive and cater only to people's "feel good" intentions - and do not in any way consider factual evidence.


Billy’s Security Guard.
What's so funny (tragic) is that this country will NEVER see electric vehicles become main stream. The infrastructure people want a hard commitment from the manufacturers, and the manufacturers want a hard commitment from the infrastructure people. Neither are giving or getting. Throw in the fact that the number one component to make an electric car run is Cobalt, and the US is not going to mortgage the country to the Chinese, who control most all the Cobalt. Dems are just getting rich off all the grants from R and D.

Unfortunately, This Country has ALREADY been mortgaged to the chinese...