georgia pride..long but good


Senior Member
I want y'all to understand one thing right up front. I'm a Georgian. Always have been and, the Good Lord willing, always will be.
I was raised in a small Georgia Town and educated in a large Southern university.
I have traveled in all fifty states and several foreign countries-including New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
I realize that we have been infiltrated as of late with a number of Northern transplants, and they are all welcome,
as long as they choose to live amongst us in peace without spending all their spare time telling us
how much better things were back in Cleveland and how proficient they are at driving on snow and ice.
Nonetheless, I feel it is my civic duty to provide a primer of sorts for all the good people
who have recently migrated to the Peach State.
It might not hurt to remind some of the natives of a few points of pride as well.
There are some things that all Georgians should know.
Coca Cola is ours, and unless you've had one in a green six-and-a-half ounce bottle,
with a slight crust of ice on top, you don't know what the real thing is.
And you might want to try pouring about half a pack of salted peanuts into one sometime.
If it weren't for a Georgian-Crawford Long of Jefferson---open-heart surgery would hurt like big toebig toebig toebig toe.
True Georgians say "ma'am and sir" and call their mothers "mama" and their fathers 'daddy".
They know that y'all is perfectly good English and never means just one person.
"Fixin to" is perfectly acceptable, too.
And if y'all don't like the way we talk, Delta (which is also ours) is ready when you are.
Long before the Olympics brought the world's greatest athletes to Atlanta,
we gave the world Ty Cobb, Jackie Robinson, Walt Frazier, Luke Appling, Johnny Mize,
Fran Tarkenton, Bobby Jones, Wyomia Tyus, and Herschel Walker.
If you don't know who these people are, you ought to find out before you go to bed tonight.
Long after the Atlanta Olympics have faded from memory,
the greatest tourna-ment in golf will still be played in Augusta every April,
with or without Jessie Jackson's and Martha Burke's approval, and on autumn Saturdays,

90,000 or so Red-and-Black faithful will gather in Athens for a prayer meeting between the hedges.
No matter how many times the Braves play in the World Series,
nothing will match the excitement of that first one.
The Stone Mountain carving is lots bigger than the one on Mt. Rushmore
and the people etched into the side of Stone Mountain deserve the honor.
It wasn't just about slavery.
Atlanta was called "the city too busy to hate," back in the sixties,
because it really was, and we should be proud of that fact.
In 1864 Sherman burned Atlanta and much of Georgia in his March to the sea.
Crack cocaine is bringing more harm to Atlanta than Sherman ever dreamed of.

We don't grow the most peaches, but we still deserve to be called the "Peach State"
because ours are the sweetest.
That includes the Georgia peaches that don't grow on trees.
We do produce the most peanuts, pecans, and poultry.
Elvis wasn't ours, but Otis Redding, James Brown, the Allman Brothers,
Johnny Mercer, Joe South , Ray Charles, Bill Anderson, Brenda Lee,
Trisha Yearwood and Alan Jackson are.
So are Sidney Lanier, Joel Chandler Harris, Margaret Mitchell and Alice Walker.
And I still miss Lewis Grizzard every day.
Julia Roberts may be Georgia's prettiest movie star,
but Holly Hunter is the most talented.
Dakota Fanning may one day surpass them both.
FDR adopted us. His "Little White House" in Warm Springs is exactly as it was the day he died there, near the end of World War II.
Every Georgian needs to visit Warm Springs.
Roosevelt's New Deal put Georgians to work
and turned an entire generation of her people into "yellow Dog" Democrats.
Georgia once had three governors at the same time.
Lester Maddox wasn't one of them, but was elected by the General Assembly
without getting a majority of the popular vote.
He did a good job too, God rest his soul.
Zell Miller was the best governor I never voted for,
and Jimmy Carter might have struggled while he was in the White House,
but he became one of the best ex-presidents we ever had.
Gone With the Wind belongs to us. We own it.
Not only is it by one of our own and is about us,
but it's also one of the great novels of all time
and an absolute film classic-and we shouldn't apologize for liking it.
WSB means "Welcome South Brother."
She ain't what she used to be, but she's not as bad as the AJC has become.
The Brown Thrasher, the Cherokee Rose, and the Live Oak are our symbols.
Proud, decent, honest people are our heritage.
None are as plentiful as they once were, but none are on the endangered list, either.
The best barbecue in the world is served at Holcomb's in White Plains,
but Open Air in Jackson ain't far behind.
The best seafood is at Williams in Savannah and the best catfish is at Henderson's in Covington.
The best sausage is at Stripling's in Crisp County.
The best fried chicken in the world is served at my mama's house,
Grits is groceries and sugar doesn't belong in cornbread.
God intended for iced tea to be served sweet.
And lastly, Georgia ain't exactly heaven-but it will do until I get there.

:flag: :flag: :flag: :flag: :flag: :flag: :flag: :flag: :flag:


GONetwork Senator Area 51
I enjoyed that probably better than any other post I have ever read on this entire board I almost decided that I was going to give woodys a rest for a while so all of you that were ready for me to take a break you can blame brad. And Brad I would have to sit down with you and discuss whose mama makes the best fried chicken. Thank you for this post :cool: :banana: :flag:


Senior Member
I agree.

Glad to have jimmy carter as a EX president LOL


That was great. O really enjoyed reading it.


Senior Member
don't worry about the political stuff...i didn't write it..just fowarded for ya'll to as far as the fried grandma may have to take my vote but shhhh don't tell my mom


Senior Member
I enjoyed that probably better than any other post I have ever read on this entire board I almost decided that I was going to give woodys a rest for a while so all of you that were ready for me to take a break you can blame brad.

thank you...that means a lot. its good to know i could influence you :clap: :clap: :cool: :cool:


GONetwork Senator Area 51
bradpatt03 said:
don't worry about the political stuff...i didn't write it..just fowarded for ya'll to as far as the fried grandma may have to take my vote but shhhh don't tell my mom
Tell you what you get your best fried chicken and Ill get mine and we will swap and after we are through "testing " every peice we talk about which was better. (You realize this is nothing more than an opportunity to eat some chicken) :D :D


Senior Member
i surely do...wish i woulda read this before i went to lunch :bounce: aw screw it...i can never say no to some fried chicken...thanks now i'm hungrey again!! :bounce:

B Young

Senior Member
For some reason when I got done reading it I was smilin' like a Chester Cat. :D I too, think it was beautiful.


Senior Member
I might live in Mn. but I loved every word of what I read in this post. My heart is truly in the south. If I had my life to live over again, I would like to be a "Little Sweet Ga. Peach". :love: :love:

Meriwether Mike

Senior Member
Lets be proud of who we are; warts and all!! Great read!

Jeff Phillips

Senior Member
pendy said:
I might live in Mn. but I loved every word of what I read in this post. My heart is truly in the south. If I had my life to live over again, I would like to be a "Little Sweet Ga. Peach". :love: :love:

You would be a welcomed addition to the best state in the US! Come on down :D

Great post :fine:


Senior Member
pendy said:
I might live in Mn. but I loved every word of what I read in this post. My heart is truly in the south. If I had my life to live over again, I would like to be a "Little Sweet Ga. Peach". :love: :love:
It's never too late, Aunt Bea. Come on down, we'll make room on the front porch for ya.

The Snakeman

red tail

GONetwork Member
I agree with most of it. I wouldent want to live anywhere else.