Give a simple explanation of the Trinity.

gordon 2

Senior Member
Jesus is the servant spirit of God but also totally God. The Holy Spirit is the teaching spirit of God but also totally God. The Father is the the loving spirit of God and totally God.

They are one and all the same being and yet three, manifesting separately as three in our existence as man yet in the fall, or the "worldly".

When Jesus hands his kingdom to the Father and all life on earth is removed (Zehaniah) to be replaced by His remnant people it will be a whole lot simpler to explain, but this is the best I can do today.

God as a loving spirit is Creator , Father of the oppressed, Son-savior-servant-creator and as HS the teacher, savior- servant-creator...
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gordon 2

Senior Member
Wonder why Paul, or Peter never explained it. Surely something so hard to grasp would need clarification. Especially since their extreme monotheistic belief is now being said to have 3 equal part:huh:s????

Paul had "seen" Jesus, I suspect is was a bit jaw dropping that he had lived considering his upbringing. I suspect then that Paul knew that even seeing God in this life as one and the trinity was not the goal of the gospel. The goal and task was to do an assessment of man, not of God. Perhaps.


Gone but not forgotten
I don't understand the 1700 year reference.

Sorry, it was my clumsy attempt to say that, in my opinion, the failure preceded the doctrine being formalized in the Nicene Creed (325 A.D).

We fail miserably in our understanding of relationships among ourselves, and what we think we understand, we fail to successfully implement; which leaves our supposed understanding unsubstantiated. How could we possibly even think of defining relationship within the Devine?


Senior Member
All three together are not in one body, and not God, God is God, Jesus is Jesus, and the Holy Ghost is the Holy Ghost, they are different persons, think about it why would Jesus pray to the Father if He were all ready the Father?.

1 John 5:7

7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.


Senior Member
All three together are not in one body, and not God, God is God, Jesus is Jesus, and the Holy Ghost is the Holy Ghost, they are different persons, think about it why would Jesus pray to the Father if He were all ready the Father? How many on here pray to there self.

And Centerpin fan is no longer verklempt.

gordon 2

Senior Member
Sorry, it was my clumsy attempt to say that, in my opinion, the failure preceded the doctrine being formalized in the Nicene Creed (325 A.D).

We fail miserably in our understanding of relationships among ourselves, and what we think we understand, we fail to successfully implement; which leaves our supposed understanding unsubstantiated. How could we possibly even think of defining relationship within the Devine?

Hum! By what God does and by what He says and in these God is basically Himself.??? Maybe. The relationship definitions are a feature of our grasping at a pant leg, and then a shirt sleeve and then touching the lips in fear of loosing the relationship. Maybe.

gordon 2

Senior Member
1 John 5:7

7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

Is heaven eternal or forever might be a better word? According to the prophets will heaven itself be rubbed out with all the other heavens someday?


Gone but not forgotten
Hum! By what God does and by what He says and in these God is basically Himself.??? Maybe. The relationship definitions are a feature of our grasping at a pant leg, and then a shirt sleeve and then touching the lips in fear of loosing the relationship. Maybe.

"grasping" is an apt description. (Ps. 46:10)


Senior Member
"the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.”

Is John describing the Trinity or the life, birth, and death of Jesus? Perhaps his birth, death on the Cross, and his Resurrection.

John is defending that Jesus is the Son of God and that he is the Messiah. That he died and resurrected.

gordon 2

Senior Member
Yes, I believe heaven is eternal and forever.(1 Thessalonians 4:17)

Ok so I'm not going to go further with this line, not to derail tread, although it probably already has a life of itself by now, your source is about the resurrection and our Lord comeing down from heaven. I don't see the "forever" connection...

But alas... let us return to simplicity in articulating one's understanding of the Trinity or should I say God as a trinity....

thanks bros.


Gone but not forgotten
I tend to agree. Maybe just Unity explains it best.

I know what you are saying. But when we look at all of Scripture, I don't see how "just Unity" can be supported. That being said, there seem to be two very dangerous elements in play: that the clearly and simply stated unity be in someway weakened, and that we project more into what we are given than it can support. There is much said that stretches well beyond the limits of the text.

gordon 2

Senior Member
I know what you are saying. But when we look at all of Scripture, I don't see how "just Unity" can be supported. That being said, there seem to be two very dangerous elements in play: that the clearly and simply stated unity be in someway weakened, and that we project more into what we are given than it can support. There is much said that stretches well beyond the limits of the text.

So it is not "textual" this" much more"... but yet "some, we, us and some of them and all of them ones there" hear the voice of the Lord.... be it the Father's, the Son or the Holy Spirit's as one voice...

How about if the Son is fully in the Father and the Father is fully in the Son and this full in-ness is essentially the Holy Spirit which is in " some, we and some of them and all of them ones there"? And the small amounts we can project don't amount to much comparatively.



Senior Member
Another mystery is if the Son of God has always been, who was his mother? Mary was his earthly mother at his incarnation. I would assume God could have a son without a mother. Then again, if the Son always existed, God didn't "have" a son. He was the Son.
The Son didn't really need a mother until he became incarnate. Yet he was begotten or fathered. He has existed just as long as his Father has.
God "had" a son. Well not really he has always existed. Maybe begotten it the wrong interpretation. You can't begot an always existing deity.
Unless you are that deity.

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Senior Member
Hey Art, I don't want to sound like I am trying to debate the trinity, but I can't overlook 1 John 5;7. It needs to be taken off the trinitarian go to verse. The context about Moses, if they don't believe the previous miracles, that I sent you, then take water a pour it in the nile and it will become blood. In John 5;7, the KJ translators took this and made it fit their theology. Jesus came sent by God in which the HS testifies by water and blood, when the soldiers pierced his side. This has gotten all mixed up in our modern versions.


Senior Member
Wonder why Paul, or Peter never explained it. Surely something so hard to grasp would need clarification. Especially since their extreme monotheistic belief is now being said to have 3 equal part:huh:s????

Did Paul believe in the preexistence of Jesus? Did the Jews believe in the preexistence of a Messiah?


Senior Member
Hey Art, I don't want to sound like I am trying to debate the trinity, but I can't overlook 1 John 5;7. It needs to be taken off the trinitarian go to verse. The context about Moses, if they don't believe the previous miracles, that I sent you, then take water a pour it in the nile and it will become blood. In John 5;7, the KJ translators took this and made it fit their theology. Jesus came sent by God in which the HS testifies by water and blood, when the soldiers pierced his side. This has gotten all mixed up in our modern versions.

I would agree, there are many Trinitarians that feel the same way. It shouldn't be used to prove the Trinity exist. Use it to prove that the Spirit, blood, and water testify.