Glenn Scobey calls


Does anyone have experience with the aluminum reed calls? I have been very tempted to get one. I heard someone running one up in TN, and it sounded sweet. I am thinking about getting one.

Hard Core

Senior Member
I got a few friends that have them. They guide at Reelfoot. I have seen them run them but, only after thier Haydels wouldn't break some ducks. Those calls scream in a whole different spectrum. I think alot of the stuff that works there would never work where I hunt, but who knows? Get it and run it like there ain't no tomorrow.... just like a true


They sure can run em! I was thinking of having it to use on windy days. It would be a n one to add to the collection though, but at $150.00 a pop I can prolly get away with the Hydels. Might just have to put it on the christmas list.