Grady/Thomas County


Senior Member
I doubled up Sunday evening. The birds are still in groups but are already hanging with the hens. Seem to be a bunch of 2 year olds running around. I'm going in the morning to see if I can't get a limbhanger. How is everybody doing?

Quail man

Senior Member
man are the birds hened up, we called in birds for 3 days hens all over the place, called in 1 tues aft. and at 60 yards and a big red fox chased him off then we had another set of birds comin in tues morn and saw the B moble and they took off runnen, called in 2 wed morn, had them at about 25 yards and my buddy started moven around and they ran off, I could go on all day, had alot of fun and the birds are sure hammerin, just didnt make it happen


Senior Member
Gobbled good for me for the last week up until this morning. Didn't hear a peep. I thought the full moon only affected deer hunting????

Quail man

Senior Member
killed one monday had double beards a 10 1/2 and a 7 inch, had 1 1/4 spurs weighed 23 pounds, called in 3, would have shot another but that dang 3 1/2 jammed in my gun