Hack and squirt

Deer Fanatic

Cool ? Useless Billy Deer Guide
The Chinese Tallow is about as tough as they come. The mixture I use to murder sweetgums will only make a tallow tree drop a few leaves. I’ve been cutting the big ones down waste-high, then drilling several holes in the stump, and painting the stump with straight glyphosate. I hope it kills them. I need a mixture that will kill the small trees - about as big around as your finger. What would y’all recommend??
The small trees I have killed with straight gly. I have snipped them off near the ground and used a spray bottle to soak the cut stump. Also have taken my limb saw and raked the bark off ... vertical about 6" or so and sprayed. I did a hack and squirt bout a week ago with RM43.... they look mighty sick.