How do you mix


Senior Member
What ratio and how do y’all spray permethrin? I got eaten alive ( I’ve had em on my ankles before but this is everywhere) … I’m starting a vinegar regiment but they got in my harness at work and all the ropes , I’ve declared war on them !!!

Jim Boyd

Senior Member
We got taken to the cleaners in Illinois recently.

I just bought a spray can. Hope it works as well as what you are gonna use.


Senior Member
We got taken to the cleaners in Illinois recently.

I just bought a spray can. Hope it works as well as what you are gonna use.
Takin to cleaners ? Whatcha mean ?


Senior Member
I mix mine to 1%. In my case that is 1 oz to 26 oz of water but yours may be different depending on the concentrate that you buy.

I spray all of my camo and a few pair of socks real well (quite wet) before deer season and hang them all outside until dry. That will last for what seems like for months and I usually don't have to re-treat until the next spring before turkey season. I spray my climbing vest and anything I may carry into the woods too such as a backpack or stick blind for turkeys.

I used to get chiggars bad and also quite a few ticks and by doing this I get


Senior Member
I use Martins 10% permethrin. It’s water based and doesn’t have the petroleum odor. I mix it 1 oz to 19 oz water , which gives you a 0.5% solution, which is the same as Sawyers rtu product.


Senior Member
I use Martins 10% permethrin. It’s water based and doesn’t have the petroleum odor. I mix it 1 oz to 19 oz water , which gives you a 0.5% solution, which is the same as Sawyers rtu product.
I watched a video and that’s what he did ?


“Well Rounded Outdoorsman MOD “
Staff member
I keep a mixed spray bottle in my truck at all times . I usually just pour an ounce or 3 in a spray bottle and fill with water . Treat clothes and let dry . Also spray my boots and pants legs pretty often . The little seed ticks and chiggers are awful in my area . And I’m scared to death of some of these diseases people are getting from ticks . This is what I’ve been using for many years . The vinegar helps but doesn’t seem to work that well for me . This is what I use and it lasts for a few years IMG_5586.jpeg


Senior Member
I keep a mixed spray bottle in my truck at all times . I usually just pour an ounce or 3 in a spray bottle and fill with water . Treat clothes and let dry . Also spray my boots and pants legs pretty often . The little seed ticks and chiggers are awful in my area . And I’m scared to death of some of these diseases people are getting from ticks . This is what I’ve been using for many years . The vinegar helps but doesn’t seem to work that well for me . This is what I use and it lasts for a few years View attachment 1311790

I tried the vinegar deal long ago. I actually don’t mind the taste, but I think I was about to burn a hole in my stomach after a few months!

Jim Thompson

Live From The Tree
I keep a mixed spray bottle in my truck at all times . I usually just pour an ounce or 3 in a spray bottle and fill with water . Treat clothes and let dry . Also spray my boots and pants legs pretty often . The little seed ticks and chiggers are awful in my area . And I’m scared to death of some of these diseases people are getting from ticks . This is what I’ve been using for many years . The vinegar helps but doesn’t seem to work that well for me . This is what I use and it lasts for a few years View attachment 1311790

This is the same that I've been using for a few years now. I havent had issues with chiggars since and no ticks attached. I will still find them crawling on pants legs but not a single one sucking on my blood.

I keep it in a gallon sprayer and spray all my clothes a day or so before going out. I go ahead and spray every trip because I dont want to get in a situation where it's worn off and I have no way of knowing it's worn off except chiggars and ticks pointing out to me that it's ok to chew on my flesh again.


Senior Member
I watched a video and that’s what he did ?
Yes 19oz water/1oz Permethrin!
They can't advertise it as such but it keeps skeeters away too.
I spray my socks, hat and clothes the night before. Never had a problem with it or little critters.
Be careful some of Permithrin is water based and some is oil based. The oil based smells.


Senior Member
We got taken to the cleaners in Illinois recently.

I just bought a spray can. Hope it works as well as what you are gonna use.

Illinois is the worst I’ve ever been bitten by them. I hiked a place one summer to see how it laid out for hunting. That night I knew I screwed up…badly. A few days later it looked like my lower half was used to hold targets for the county turkey shoot.

Jim Boyd

Senior Member
Illinois is the worst I’ve ever been bitten by them. I hiked a place one summer to see how it laid out for hunting. That night I knew I screwed up…badly. A few days later it looked like my lower half was used to hold targets for the county turkey shoot.


slow motion

Senior Member
Eaten alive by ticks and skeeters.


Illinois is the worst I’ve ever been bitten by them. I hiked a place one summer to see how it laid out for hunting. That night I knew I screwed up…badly. A few days later it looked like my lower half was used to hold targets for the county turkey shoot.
First time in Green County Illinois scouting I was set upon by chiggers. Worst I've ever had. No ticks luckily but could see the marks for months. Also got bit by what I assume was a brown recluse. Hole in my leg finally filled back in but still a scar.


Senior Member
I dilute to somewhere between .5-1%.

Keep a spray bottle handy in the car.

Soak outer clothes i am going to wear and let dry. Treat my pack and dogs beds too while I’m at it. I have heard it lasts up to 6 washings. It will degrade with time and exposure to UV so it is a good idea to retreat every year even if you don’t wash your gear.


Staff member
I use Martins 10% permethrin. It’s water based and doesn’t have the petroleum odor. I mix it 1 oz to 19 oz water , which gives you a 0.5% solution, which is the same as Sawyers rtu product.

This. ^ Works like a charm. During Summertime I go a little bit heavy on the Permethrin.