I give up.....Mark III 22/45

I’m done, I give up. I have a Ruger Mark III 22/45 that I disassembled to do a deep clean, big mistake. I have watched every video on YouTube, tried, retried, dangly thing up, dangly thing down, put it away for a week, went back to the videos….rinse and repeat. I can’t get it back together correctly. I took it to one gun shop with a gun smith, pulled it out of the case and got a ‘Nope, can’t do it’ before I even put it down on the counter.

Is there a recommended gunsmith in/near Atlanta or Blue Ridge that has the magic touch or extra unicorn dust around Ruger Mark I/II/III’s reassembly that can get this together AND firing?

Any assistance or recommendations would be appreciated.
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Billy’s Security Guard.
I took one apart once, about 40 years ago...I fiddled with that thing FOREVER before I lucked up and got the danged dangly thing right.

I have never even considered taking it apart again... :rofl:

Good luck, and keep at it, you'll get lucky too!
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Senior Member
I know it's a pain.. but.. I think your best bet is just sending it back to Ruger for them to reassemble. Include a letter honestly explaining what you were trying to do and they should be able to reassemble it for you assuming there's no alterations


Senior Member
Have you tried to reassemble while watching and pausing the videos ? ...Watch assembly..make sure its right ..then watch the video again for the same part of the assembly...I have taken apart something 3 or 4 times till I get smooth at doing it .Then move on to the next part of the assembly on the video...If its some part thats a real pain to do watch the video until I'm sure That I did it right and make sure I do it exactly like the video.... Remember you have all the time you need ...No need to rush on any of it
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Senior Member
Just have to get the hammer leg sitting on top of the spring plunger.

Also, don't be afraid to whack it with a rubber mallet to remove and reinstall the upper.

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Hillbilly stalker

Senior Member
It’s not that big of a deal. Watch a few videos. I have one that I don’t shoot very often and disassemble even less. I have to watch a video when I do, just to keep the steps in order. If we done it more regular it would be easy. Any gunsmith that cannot or won’t even try…..he wouldn’t touch any of my gear ever again. It should be a simple challenge for him. They are great pistols.
Have you tried to reassemble while watching and pausing the videos ? ...Watch assembly..make sure its right ..then watch the video again for the same part of the assembly...I have taken apart something 3 or 4 times till I get smooth at doing it .Then move on to the next part of the assembly on the video...If its some part thats a real pain to do watch the video until I'm sure That I did it right and make sure I do it exactly like the video.... Remember you have all the time you need ...No need to rush on any of it
I have done that with EVERY single video that I could find. Followed them all to a T. Like Railroader said, it just takes some luck which apparently I am missing right now.
Just have to get the hammer leg sitting on top of the spring plunger.

Also, don't be afraid to whack it with a rubber mallet to remove and reinstall the upper.

I bet half of the views on this video were from me!!! Having worked in manufacturing for years, I assume that it was engineered to be assembled without having to bang stuff with a hammer. I am always reluctant to start banging on things. Once I get it back to a functioning order, my boys will inherit a very dirty gun when I'm gone.


Senior Member
Ahhhh now ....You said my boys .....How old are they ? Might be time for them to have a challenge of putting a a pistola back together...Never does hurt to have someone else try....They might just suprise you ...


Senior Member
I don’t wanna claim with certainty that I could disassemble/reassemble one in a dark closet, but I’d put some money on the line that I could…

Jim Baker

Staff member
Get someone with some knowlege look at the video and then try to reassemble with you watching.

More than a few times I have been working on something, become frustrated and then someone else walk up, look at it and slap the problem peice right into place.


Senior Member
They can be a pain.
Saw this. Don’t know anything about it but might be worth a try.IMG_6109.png


Senior Member
I've had the same aggravations....bigtime aggravations.

Dad was at an NRA conversation several years ago....he and his buddy visited the Ruger booth.
There were people lined up three deep all requesting to see someone reassembly the Mark II & Mark III pistolas.

Even after watching and trying.....Dad said he forgets some of the steps.

The Mark IV version was LONG OVERDUE. It makes quick & easy work of disassembly & reassembly.

Baroque Brass

Senior Member
I disassembled my MK1 once, I got it back together but I won’t take it apart again. Lots of patience required.