Interesting Texas trail cam pics.


Guess its time we learn another language: "some bear oh" "oh me go" " Senior eat ta" More to follow as I learn.:coffee:


TCU Go Frawgs !
Found this cat tracking a javi for a guy a few years ago. Only English he knew was “Corpus Christi”... I had some crackers and a diet mt dew. Less than 10 seconds he was vanished into the brush



Senior Member
He helps the border agents so I do not think he should do any shooting. :)

I expect the border patrol agents are told to allow them through now or simply turn a blind eye due to budget constraints (the politically correct tactic under Biden).
it ain’t budget constraints it’s socialism in high gear. Agents told not to do their job so the left can control this country. Has around zero percent to do with a budget!


Cuffem & Stuffem Moderator
Staff member
Welcome to the land of milk and honey! Where no one will question your citizenship, your background and healthcare and welfare are free! Please, enjoy your stay in the good ol USA!
Where the only walls are around the U.S. Capitol. If nothing else should be proof to the American people of what the democrats plans are, that alone should be crystal clear.

Further, Biden says we "might" be able to gather with a small group of family by July 4th, meanwhile 1000's are coming in illegally by the day, and welcomed by the dems with open arms.


I think that if the word got out to fund a bus line to move those poor folks from the Texas boarder area to down town Washington DC where it is the land of milk and honey, there would be no end to the donations. Or just use the aircraft that takes the National Guard up there when they have a need to pick up our troops from that area. Trains also run in that direction. All the political night time occasions where they have all the snacks out could double as a place where the bus could stop and drop off the riders. And that area is safe because it is inside a security fence so no harm would come to the new residents.


Instead of wall,should of built a bridge to Canada,they welcome there.


Senior Member
Instead of wall,should of built a bridge to Canada,they welcome there.
Yep, just wave you right on in.

Went to upstate NY via plane and Canada once. When we entered the US, they took all of our IDs and did roll call. When we went back to Canada, guy glanced in van and waved us on through.

That should tell you something, everyone is busting into our country not Canada or any other country. Why? Because we are the best one. If those socialist policies were so great, why aren't immigrants busting down their doors?
