Is anyone missing a cow in Sharon, GA?

Rich Kaminski

Senior Member
I have a cow showing up at one of my feeders in Sharon, GA. If you are missing a cow and can describe it to me - I will tell you where it is staying. I notified the local police and they made several inquires, but nobody they have contacted is missing a cow as of yet. My phone number is 404-406-9982.


Staff member
I think it's mine. Is it quadrapedal, covered with hair, and made of delicious steaks and hamburgers and briskets?


Senior Member
One of the ranches I elk hunt on had a bison heifer show up. They contacted the owner. Told em to enjoy the steaks. The year before that a Yak showed up. Meanest animal I’ve ever encountered. Cowboys lassoed him, put him in a pen and after a couple of months on sweet feed he too was converted to steaks.