Keeping Fish Cool


Senior Member
I went bream fishing Thursday at Orange Lake near Gainesville, Fla. and did pretty good. But I need to come up with a better way to keep my catch cool than tossing them in the live well. After I cleaned them, I ended tossing several because I didn't feel safe eating them since their flesh was more gelatinous than firm.

I fished from about 7a to 5p and with the water temp at 78, I guess that's expected when they spend that much time in a live well. I was able to get them iced down around 6p but obviously the damage was done by then.

Lesson learned, I won't be depending on my live well to keep my catch safe. I'm thinking to pick up a decent Yeti type cooler and load it full of frozen ice packs to be able to put them on ice immediately.

Anyone else got a better idea?



Senior Member
Nah man. A cooler of ice has worked for me for 40 something yrs. My dad did the same. My grandpa probably did the same. I don't know anybody else before them.

There was a game warden last year that didn't like me having 3 trout in my cooler, that I caught earlier that day, and having 3 on my stringer where I was fishing when he pulled up. He told me I needed to take the dead ones out of my cooler and put them back on the stringer next time I went back to the truck.

I have friends/relatives that like to gut them before moving onto the next spot, or driving home. They think they taste better or something. To me, they're just fine as long as they're on ice. I've even waited until the next day to clean em, and they're just as good... as long as they're on ice.


Senior Member
I like the idea of putting ice in the live well. Now I gotta figure how to keep the warm lake water from filling in to the live well.


Staff member
I always keep a cooler in the boat when it's hot. Fish come straight out of the water and onto the ice. I've tried the ice in the livewell, but it melts pretty fast it it's hot. It don't have to be a Yeti, either. A Coleman XTreme will do just fine.


Staff member
If you don't want a cooler taking up room in your boat, just fill your livewell with ice in the morning instead of water.
Or run 100mph down the lake and blow the cooler off the back deck. ::ke: :rofl:


Senior Member
Nah man. A cooler of ice has worked for me for 40 something yrs. My dad did the same. My grandpa probably did the same. I don't know anybody else before them.

There was a game warden last year that didn't like me having 3 trout in my cooler, that I caught earlier that day, and having 3 on my stringer where I was fishing when he pulled up. He told me I needed to take the dead ones out of my cooler and put them back on the stringer next time I went back to the truck.

I have friends/relatives that like to gut them before moving onto the next spot, or driving home. They think they taste better or something. To me, they're just fine as long as they're on ice. I've even waited until the next day to clean em, and they're just as good... as long as they're on ice.
Nothing against the game warden - and I'm not a mathematician - but 3+3 = 6 no matter how you slice it. :confused:


frying fish driveler
I went bream fishing Thursday at Orange Lake near Gainesville, Fla. and did pretty good. But I need to come up with a better way to keep my catch cool than tossing them in the live well. After I cleaned them, I ended tossing several because I didn't feel safe eating them since their flesh was more gelatinous than firm.

I fished from about 7a to 5p and with the water temp at 78, I guess that's expected when they spend that much time in a live well. I was able to get them iced down around 6p but obviously the damage was done by then.

Lesson learned, I won't be depending on my live well to keep my catch safe. I'm thinking to pick up a decent Yeti type cooler and load it full of frozen ice packs to be able to put them on ice immediately.

Anyone else got a better idea?

No better idea probably but one I’ve done for a long time. You don’t need a Yeti, the cheapest ice chest and a bag of convenience store ice will keep your fish in excellent shape for a day of fishing. Catch a fish that you want to keep, put it on the ice. Keep the water drained off and fish will keep more than one day. I personally like to clean them by day two. Don’t make stuff too complicated or expensive.


Staff member
Putting them ice is the technique I use. I have a backpack size soft cooler with a plastic bag liner I use when kayaking.


Senior Member
I like to ice any fish. But especially the ones that come out of warm water. Firms them right up and as a consequence they are easier to fillet

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