Mechanical Broadheads


Senior Member
I am really considering them this year...

Just picked up another pack at the GON Blast. At first I was a little skeptical because of the price, but I'm willing to spend money where it counts. So far, I've taken 4-5 deer with them. None of the heads were damaged and some took some pretty brutal abuse. Most damaging was last year's Kansas buck. Shot it a bit quartering to me and I pulled the shot right. Hit it middle of the side and the arrow stuck in the off side hip. Buck ran off and dropped about 50-60 yards from impact due to femoral artery being hit (better to be lucky than good, I guess). All that to say, the head wasn't broken after getting stuck in the off hip and probably ground up a bit.

I personally retire the arrow and head when I shoot a deer that gets mounted. I put the arrow and head in the horns of the mount on the wall. Gives it a little flavor and reminds everyone that sees it that it was taken with a bow (call me a diva:rofl:). I think the most deer any one of my heads has taken is 2 at this point, but I have no doubt that these heads can take some abuse and be re-used over and over.