Miz H22 loves racin driveler #244

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Miss Moderator Ma Hen
Staff member
off to have lunch with LilD and then off this afternoon to be with Granma! Later ya'll!:biggrin2:


King Casanova
Morning friends !!! All is much better at the Luv Shack !!

Getting better, my foot, What is this that I hear about your lawn mowing monkey is loose again !!!!! OMG !!!!! That is NOT what I read about earlier this morning !!!!!!! You and your monkey and then YARA (I miss that young lady) showing her drawers on the clothesline !!!! Lawd have mercy because that must be something to see for sure !!!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::D:D:D:pop::pop::hair::hair:


ps: Sorry but I couldn't help myself !!!!! :huh::huh::huh:

Just took 2000 MG of Amoxicillin. Gotta go to the dentist and have an enema because she says that I am full of it !!! cyl

Jeff C.

Chief Grass Master
:biggrin2:Chief gitten purtied up!

Got a wedding to go to next Saturday a week. That way I won’t look like the fresh prince.

The weeds are topped off and sprayed in the immediate front yard, not all of the other in front.

Might go hang one last venetian and one curtain rod....might.


Keeper of the Magic Word
howdy quack

Jeff C.

Chief Grass Master
Evenin gentlemen.

I'll 2nd that Wy.
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