Moonpie's Morning Munchin's Continued Even Further


Senior Member
Monday morning.....whew.

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Today is a day off with a pile of stuff to get done.

Tomorrow is night shift. Starting in a different department, new crew, new processes to learn and much to figure out. I hope the new crew members will be patient...old dog learning new stuff gonna take a while.

This morning, however, is a celebration of these locally roasted beans grown in foreign soil and being enjoyed in my mug.

Didn't bother measuring anything....poured 'em in the grinder until it looked about right.....dumped the grinds in a filter and let 'em ride in the brewer.

First mug has me waking up and miraculously some of the typical morning soreness easing off.

Second mug hopefully will have me ready to face the day like Rambo, Terminator or at least Gomer Pyle.


Breakfast is most likely gonna be conjured up soon......after the second mug kicks in.


2023 TURKEY CHALLENGE 1st place Team
English muffins this morning and a hack, large mouth ring, fits perfectly on the muffin



Senior Member
Mother day French toast and banana redneck topping. (2 bananas, no alcohol, remainder of FT eggs mix, cinnamon and powdered sugar. And fried up a little)

i know it ain’t pretty, but 3 rave reviews. Especially the one that counted. son and i tag-teamed it.

sugar Shock has set in and about to go full carb coma.



Staff member
My wife wanted a big "granny breakfast" this morning for Mother's Day, so I made her one. Bacon, sausage, Geechee Boy Jimmy Red cheese grits, jalapeno eggs, cathead buttermilk biscuits, hash browns. It et pretty good.
