New Dawgs’ QB Suing Fla Head Coach!

Silver Britches

Official Sports Forum Birthday Thread Starter


Staff member
All about the bucks, he could care less if he’s Jacksonville or Athens.

That said, a contact is a contract.


Staff member
All about the bucks, he could care less if he’s Jacksonville or Athens.

That said, a contact is a contract.
College football has turned into a bunch of carny folk on meth. :rolleyes:


Staff member
College football has turned into a bunch of carny folk on meth. :rolleyes:
Bama had similar happen. Sabin retired and he bolted to Iowa. Things aren’t greener after he got there, DeBoer shows up, maybe this isn’t the end of the world after all, and he’s back to Bama. :rolleyes:


Staff member
Bama had similar happen. Sabin retired and he bolted to Iowa. Things aren’t greener after he got there, DeBoer shows up, maybe this isn’t the end of the world after all, and he’s back to Bama. :rolleyes:

18 year olds running the show is never a good idea.

Silver Britches

Official Sports Forum Birthday Thread Starter
My gut tells me this QB won't be in Athens long, anyway. I just get the feeling he's a ME type of guy, and if he don't get his way, he leaves. I just don't think he'll be able to cut in Athens. Kirby won't tolerate crybabies.


Senior Member
My gut tells me this QB won't be in Athens long, anyway. I just get the feeling he's a ME type of guy, and if he don't get his way, he leaves. I just don't think he'll be able to cut in Athens. Kirby won't tolerate crybabies.
I agree. Kirby has done a phenomenal job of getting and keeping QBs. I hope he (Rashada) doesn’t run Gunner off with his antics.


Senior Member
i bet someone exceeded their spending authority and didnt know how to back out

i dont think he wins since NIL is supposed to be separate from the coach/school


Senior Member
I just learned that Kirby was told by the Rashada family that they intended to file this suit before committing to UGA and Kirby gave them his blessing. Hmmmm


Senior Member
Don't know law, but he signed on the line and the initial clown show NIL guys at Florida backed out of the offer. Sounds like a classic case of over promising and under delivering. Might just stick. I could be wrong but this kid wreaks of financial desperation.


Staff member
Back in the day, alumni car dealers were known all over the country to sell cars to valuable players and give them financial terms that no one else could get. The NCAA never balked.

As for this guy, I don't know him, but were I him and the gaytors had made me that offer and then backed out, I'd be ticked too.

I also heard that Kirby was told about his intentions to sue, but Kirby said that wasn't any of UGA's concern and not that he ok'd it.


Senior Member
Might as well be like the pros. Sign a contract and live up to it.


Senior Member
Back when the college programs started requiring mandatory summer school, and “voluntary” summer workouts I thought it was time that the student athletes receive some sort of stipend, since there was no time or opportunity to work a summer job/part-time job like most of us did while in school. With this NIL business the pendulum has swung way too far the other direction. I stopped watching the NFL completely when that kneeling business started, and I have no desire to watch college football any longer either.