New Tick Virus

The Original Rooster

Mayor of Spring Hill
Please take it from someone who has had a tick borne disease. Take every precaution you can whenever you're outside. I got Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever from a tick in my own yard.


Was tested last fall for tick viruses and tested positive for alpha gall , I went for a few weeks not eating red meat and couldn’t stand it no more so I bought a small ribeye , didn’t have any reaction at all so I asked my doctor . I was retested and it came back negative . I was so relieved I had another bigger steak to celebrate !

Mexican Squealer

Senior Member
Was tested last fall for tick viruses and tested positive for alpha gall , I went for a few weeks not eating red meat and couldn’t stand it no more so I bought a small ribeye , didn’t have any reaction at all so I asked my doctor . I was retested and it came back negative . I was so relieved I had another bigger steak to celebrate !

What exactly was the test you took then retested as negative??


Staff member


Staff member
Had Alpha Gal for the past year and almost kicked the bucket a few times. You don’t want a tick born illness.
A friend of mine has it, and his meat reactions have gradually started fading over the last few years. He can eat red meat now as long as he doesn't overdo it.


What exactly was the test you took then retested as negative??
they did blood work both times, not sure what the test is called, I was eventually diagnosed with hyperthyroidism , that was causing My problems . Since My doctor knows I spend a ton of time in the woods he tested for all tick born diseases first


Please, Please, Please, do not tell my elderly momma, she will not allow me to go back into the woods........ If it is on the internet, she believes it.


Senior Member
Whenever I get a tick bite, I wash it and put liquid Benadryl on it everyday until it heals. I don’t know if that prevents alpha gal but so far so good.


Senior Member
My wife has Alpha-Gal. We were camping at SGI State Park when she had her first reaction at roughly 11pm one night. If any of you have ever been there, you know how remote this campground is. Also, there is NOTHING MEDICAL RELATED on the island. And the nearest hospital is a little hole in the wall in Appalachicola. I’m a 24 year veteran FF/Medic (at the time) and it scared the daylights out of me. She has never had any allergies, so I had no idea what it was. I figured an anaphylactic reaction based on her symptoms and presentation, but I had no clue as to what. I was shocked when she was diagnosed a few days later when we arrived back home. And honestly I didn’t believe it when she was. I came real close to loosing my wife that night. Real close! By the time I met the EMS unit (which was a double medic ALS unit thank God) her tongue and throat had swelled to the point she was fighting with all she had for every breath. I’ll never forget the fear in her eyes. Normally our cell phones hardly work at the CG. But that night, mine did, so 911 it was. I knew I had to go someplace that night as she was deteriorating fast, and there was no telling how long it would take for anyone to reach us. But at the time of night and where we were….where? Gut wrenching thoughts is an understatement, and the 15mph speed limit through the park was severely broken. It just so happened that one of the rangers stationed at the park was a volunteer FF and EMT and heard the call. Remarkably, he lived in the park in one of the staff houses. We met him at the gate and the ambulance got there about 10 minutes later. The chain of events and everything working out like it did that night was a blessing from God, no doubt. Those guys with SGI Volunteer FD, the EMS crew, and the little ER and Dr were all top notch and I am indebted to them!

I said all that to say this. Ticks and AG syndrome SUCKS!!!
And understand something. This is something that doesn’t happen right away from the bite. It can take months to manifest itself post bite. So you may have even forgotten about being bitten. On the bright side though. My cholesterol levels have all fallen back into the prime levels since cutting out red meat! Lol
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Senior Member
I just thought about something and thought Id ask here.

Can dogs and cats get the Alpha gal virus/syndrome? That would be horrible as most animal food is animal based. Wonder if the high heat destroys the protein that caused issues.

I hate it for anyone that has it. As a kid was bitten a lot by ticks, still find them but not as often now since I use bug spray regularly. I get big welts and red itchy areas that will take a month or so to heal.

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