First post here and only been shooting a recurve for a few days. Im from south GA, been bow hunting from about 14yo (27 now). I have only shot compounds but recently my wife bought me a bear grizzly (1968 I believe). Funny enough once her family caught wind of her buying this bow for me i inherited four other bear recurves from the early 70s. Everything from a kodiak to a supermag 48. I am only focused on the 68 grizzly for now though. It is 48 pounds and 56 amo. Serial number shows 8R11551. I have the shelf set up with a beaver hair rest and a leather riser pad. Both have a thin strip of leather running perpindicular to the arrow for the least amount of friction. Double otter fur silencers on string about 8 inches from riser /string contact. String is a new 14 strand 53 inch dacron from 60x. Brace height is currently 7 3/16 to center of string. Nock point is around 1/4 inch high of center. Shooting autumn orange 2216 aluminums from 3 rivers at full length ( was unsure of my draw length going from compound to recurve). 200 gr. Field tip. Running a leather tab shooting 3 under.
Im looking for some guidance on my setup as im currently getting inconsistent arrow flight. I am hitting my 18 in 1 rinehart at 20 yrds but arrow is tailing every which way. I have a feeling it could be my release technique or the wrong arrow setup as ive never fooled with aluminums and kind of took a blind shot at which spine to get. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Im looking for some guidance on my setup as im currently getting inconsistent arrow flight. I am hitting my 18 in 1 rinehart at 20 yrds but arrow is tailing every which way. I have a feeling it could be my release technique or the wrong arrow setup as ive never fooled with aluminums and kind of took a blind shot at which spine to get. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.